My team and I have been working long & hard on buidling our first game on Steem, and we are now ready for testers!
We need 10 people to test the game thoroughly. There will be a first-place prize of 20 SBD to entice players to try hard and find any exploits/bugs in the game.
I am super pumped, and the plan is to have a full announcement for the game before Steem Fest 4!
This will be first-come, first-serve. If you want to be a game tester, please comment below or reach out to me on discord. Cheers!
I have no time for testing at the moment, but it's great to hear there will be another promising game running on the STEEM blockchain. I wish you good luck!
There's another mini game or so running on Steem at the moment... Check out Type Earn
May not be your favorite kind of game but for us writers, it's "pitch'y perfect"
Could be nice, but English is not my mother tongue, so I wouldn't have any chance to compete with anybody. :)
It's not really a matter of English being your mother tongue. Simply follow the words on the screen and retype in the box provided. It's more like Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
I would test on @ecoinstar
good idea,I want to join the test.
if it's funny, i want push to chinese community.
I am interested
If it's mobile I'm game and happen to be a tester by trade! :0D
Good news. but I don't see the game link.
if the game hasn't been released yet..?
please reach out to me on discord dhenz (3Speak)
Yes, please!
please reach out to me on discord dhenz (3Speak)
Thanks :) I tried, but discord doesn't find you (probably because we're not connected?) Can you try to DM me instead?
Just Nouks#5753
Thanks :)
Can't find you :(
Can you try again? Maybe it was because I was offline? Online now...
Yeh i love games will love to test it...
Posted using Partiko Android
please reach out to me on discord dhenz (3Speak)
i tried searching you but not got any results.
Posted using Partiko Android
i tried searching you but not got any results.
Posted using Partiko Android
I am interested!
please reach out to me on discord dhenz (3Speak)
Yes I would be happy to test the game.
Hook me up lol
Posted using Partiko iOS
I will love to be a Tester , I fall in love with the game. I'm already in @theycallmedan
Posted using Partiko Android
I’m interested!
Posted using Partiko iOS
please reach out to me on discord dhenz (3Speak)
I'll give it a go!
please reach out to me on discord dhenz (3Speak)
HELLO Dan? Isn't this amazing, however before commenting my interest, is there any special skill I need to have in order to test this game? Because I'm thinking it'll be a prerequisite however count me in if not
I'm interested!
I've been waiting for the game since you talked about it on twitter a few months ago.
please reach out to me on discord dhenz (3Speak)
I think I'll love to have a hand on the the game. Expecting
Would you indeed, oh my!
Lols, autocorrect on phone can be do funny at times. I was thinking what brought that much interest on my comment 😀
Posted using Partiko Android
Hehe, glad you noticed it!!! I have suffered the same because of autocorrect!!!
Posted using Partiko Android
Let's just see what kinda game it is.
I'm not really a game freak
Posted using Partiko Android
Laugh all your tears out. I've corrected the comment
Your comment actually made me review everything that happened to my comment.😃
Posted using Partiko Android
I'll give it a shot Dan. Color me intrigued.
What genre of game is it?
What's the color of intrigued?
Haha, good question.
It is like a multi-faceted mirage kaleidoscope ;)
Posted using Partiko Android
#battle #steemace
I'm game!
I'd like to help test the game. Greetings!
Yeah, Steem games for the win. As a previously professional game tester I was obviously already sold at the "Looking for..." part of your post title. ;-)
I posted about a game demo a while ago. Did you see it @flauwy? It's geared towards hard-core gamers, so is deliberately made difficult. That game might interest you. I have had no feedback about that game yet, so would love to have yours.
I didn't see it. Please drop me a link here. I would love to have a look!
Here you go @flauwy
I’ll test, but looks like the slots are already taken.
View or trade
for you. Enjoy it! Hey @theycallmedan, here is a little bit ofLooking forward to this.
I'm interested in trying the game!
Great many successes in your game. Good vibes...
Posted using Partiko Android
Seems I'm too late to be a tester. Still, I can't wait to try it out, hope it'll have a mobile app :)
Btw, about your trip to South Korea, I think it could be dope if you met up with the rors team.(they too have set a game for which the tokeneconomics take place on steem, not even a week old at this point.) Don't know if somebody had already suggested it.
Sure, do you have contact with them?
discord from time to time.Not really, I just check in on their steem page, @roadofrich, and
I too would be interested, if I'm not too late.
Wow .... wasnt awere that a game is comming from you :)
Great job, and congrats for steping up in times like this. You are unstopabale! Hope many will follow.
I am in!
I am a gamer but have not partaken on steem games yet. What better way to start than helping out big Dan?
More interested in helping and seeing what you are doing than the prize really;)
Posted using Partiko iOS
I am interested
I could try if there are still empty spots
Im ready to tester your games @theycallmedan
I am sure you will find many .
Give me the game anyway to try.
I love games...So I'm interested.
This would be my first time to be a tester for any game. If you think that's okay then consider me as well.
I can test it!! would love to :D
Depends on what's involved, but if it's a good fit for me, I'm in.
Posted using Partiko Android
Not much time for that but so excited to see what would come out! :)
Hey a few days ago I saw an announcement on twitter I was intrigued that time, it will be great to try it, on the mobile it would be perfect to use it. greetings and thanks for the support 🤗
It’s an great news I would like to become an tester but I don’t know how
No time to test but am curious to see what's to unfold :D
Seems like I am a bit late to this party.. :D
But if you need someone to test it up, let me know. happy to help.
I guess you already have enough testers?
Posted using Partiko Android
I am intrested for testing your game, it's my job from India, where is game link
If the game allows the use of joypads/controllers for gaming, I want to try to be a tester. I have played RPGs, fighting games, side-scrollers, actiion-platformers and strategy games before.
Hi, will your game use steem blockchain fo real, like sending transactions in custom jsons? :)
Probably you have enough testers, but would like to take a look if game uses blockchain.
Perhaps you can explain this to me:
I don't understand the difference between my daily Zombie Adventure games (which are hosted right here on the Steem blockchain, in my blog) and games that are hosted off-chain and LINK to the Steem blockchain using custom jsons. Why is the latter more appealing than the former?
Funny how not a single person in the comments asked what the game was about, what "thoroughly" means and how long it will take.
Aint Steem grand. haha.
Its all about curiosity and non-commitment. Everyone wants to have first crack at seeing it, knowing they can bail out immediately if they don't like it.
How long it will take is an unknown. The longer one plays, the more chances of doing something that uncovers a bug. Bugs are found by doing something unexpected, so how can anyone predict how long that would take?
"thoroughly" means playing LOTS and trying as many variations of the same actions as you can possibly think of. Moving everywhere and anywhere and at different times relative to other objects on the screen. Mashing the keys and attempting strange key combinations, etc. It can go to infinity, so yea... prepare for hours and hours of testing. That's why one wants lots of testers; because each has limited time.
I will give it a shot! Is it PC or Mobile?... that is the question.