All valid points and I agree 100%. You have to consider that most of the population are not tech savvy enough to build their own computer that will operate seamlessly and be as user-friendly. If you don't know any backend navigation on a PC you're wasting your money. I am speaking from a more general standpoint. Too many factors would have to come into play for PC to be knocked from it's thrown and it was a mistake, on my part, to not mention that in my article. I'm still learning to write in a blog format so I tend to leave things out. That's why I love this community though. Thank you for your insight.
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Oh dude your article was still good mate, considering it made me take the time to make a long reply like that! No one will ever write the perfect article there are always too many factors, just keep doing what you're doing and you'll be awesome here 😀 plus you're absolutely right about the building thing however, prebuilt PCs are much better these days (unlike 10 years ago) and usually cater to gamers. But yeah dude keep up the good work!! 😀😃😊
Thank you for the encouraging words! I'm still getting used to this blogging thing and have been wanting to do it for a while now. Steemit seemed like the most legitimate way of doing it. Plus the community here is awesome! I'll definitely keep at it. With the way, technology is advancing prebuilt computers will bring more computer-illiterate people into the beauty of PC gaming without abondoning their consoles. I think the versatility with ease of multitasking that you had mentioned will be a major selling point as well.