I remember when I was still in grade school, I’m 31 now, staying the night at my friend’s house staying up late playing his Super Nintendo. The wonderful memories as we battled it out in Street Fighter 2. Not having much money growing up, my mom couldn’t afford to provide my siblings and us with a gaming system, at the time. That never stopped my brothers and I from getting our hands on some gaming action. Thankfully we had awesome friends that didn’t mind sharing the gaming fun from the systems that they owned. From Zelda: Link To The Past to Contra, those were the times that I cherished most. No matter how many different games that my friend got we would always find ourselves playing Street Fighter. Sometimes we would have to change it up simply because the competition would get too heated. We plenty of time almost got into literal fist fights. Then there were times where we would pretend to play as the characters of the game when we were forced to go outside and play. I always wanted to be M. Bison, pretending to do the head stomp move that he had. During that time in my life, we ended up having so much fun, I never ended up owning a system for myself but the memories were forever ingrained.
On Monday the 26 of 2017, it was announced that the SNES would be re-released as the SNES Classic Mini. It’s expected to release this September. The revived system is expected to release with 21 games from the original game lineup and will also feature the never released Star Fox 2! I suspect this was in response to the success of the release of the NES Classic in November of last year. Even with the games that were preinstalled on it couldn't be expanded on. With gaming becoming more graphics focused, it’s a breath of fresh air that these timeless consoles will be getting the overhaul. This is a good way for Nintendo to continue to cash in on the systems that us older generation loved so much growing up and provide insight to where some of the games the younger generation gained inspiration. The new console is currently priced at $80 and are taking pre-orders now. Supplies are expected to go fast, even with releasing a bigger supply than the NES Classic to try and meet demand.
What games are you most excited to play?
What games would you like to see?
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My brother Andy and I just relived our glory days a little over a month a go battling our way through Contra! I also like the donkey kong series!
Contra will always be a favorite of mine even though I was introduced to it on an emulator and revisited on the original console later. Never really got into Donkey Kong but was always fun to watch.
I tried beating DKC 3 this last month I was back in WI. That's when I realized how much I need to my brother to help get me past a few points I just could not do myself! So yeah I've done a lot of watching in that game as well!
This is great, I love Nintendo! However, I would like to bring to people's attention: emulators & roms
You'll thank me while you wait for your repackaged emulator to be shipped to your home.
Emulators and Roms are awesome. I think the appeal is the nostalgia of the aesthetics and holding that controller in your hands. At least thats what it is for me. Still not sure about the $80 price point but things might change closer to release.
Something like this might be what you are looking for in that case:

Newegg for $5.99.
If you want more a console look, You might try looking into a rasberry pi, finding a comparable housing to a snes console and voila!
That's totally awesome and way cheaper. I'll definitely have to look into it. Thank you for sharing.
Literally just made a post about this subject lol
29 years here... killer instinct for sure
Killer Instinct is another great game. Many fights with my brothers over that game lol
remember this game...
Never had the opportunity to play this game. I will always love the music in games from back in the day lol 8 bit greatness!
hehehe! yes agree. Really nostalgic... thanks for listening, and checking out this classic!
I will buy it for sure and I am most excited to play Donkey Kong!!! Oh good old times
Never really got into Donkey Kong. It was always fun to watch my friends play. It's not often to find games that are entertaining to watch instead of play.
whaaaat, blasphemic :D
Hope you'll enjoy it this time, but can understand the watching part.
Donkey Kongs' songs were amazing, especially from the 2nd part.
I know right!? haha I'll have to actually play through this time around. The songs in the game were definitely amazing. I even tried the bongo drum game, I think for Dreamcast, once or twice.
I'll be honest.. I HATE THIS IDEA.... I have all those games right now and more.. Emulators have been around for years... Video Game companies are double dipping the shit out of us.
Thank you for your honesty. I agree to an extent. To be fair, you say gaming companies are double dipping us but emulators are, at their core, double dipping the gaming companies. So, it depends on your perspective.
I would give this a try since I never own the system and would like to try these games out. But if they sold out before I get a chance then I just blow it off and buy other games. What do you feel about people just buying this and then selling it for inflated price.
My gamer side would want to stick my nose up at those people for doing it but my hustler side would be like "get your money player." Plus if people are willing to pay for it who am I to knock it. What are your feelings about it?
If people want to buy it and are not willing to wait then they should. But I am not going to spend more and would rather wait. I agree with that 'get your money player' if you can get in the first place.
I'm right there with you. If I am not willing to pay the price but still want, it I'm willing to wait for the pricet to drop. I'm pretty positive thats what I'm going to do with the Xbox One X. Also, so they work out all the bugs that are sure to be present upon launch.