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RE: Super Nintendo Classic!! Oh, the Feels!

in #gaming8 years ago (edited)

I would give this a try since I never own the system and would like to try these games out. But if they sold out before I get a chance then I just blow it off and buy other games. What do you feel about people just buying this and then selling it for inflated price.


My gamer side would want to stick my nose up at those people for doing it but my hustler side would be like "get your money player." Plus if people are willing to pay for it who am I to knock it. What are your feelings about it?

If people want to buy it and are not willing to wait then they should. But I am not going to spend more and would rather wait. I agree with that 'get your money player' if you can get in the first place.

I'm right there with you. If I am not willing to pay the price but still want, it I'm willing to wait for the pricet to drop. I'm pretty positive thats what I'm going to do with the Xbox One X. Also, so they work out all the bugs that are sure to be present upon launch.