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RE: HIVEQUEST : Dwarven Ruins (part 3)

in #gaming4 years ago (edited)

Thunk gathers up 5 more torches and hands them to the party members. "You guys up to this or do you want to go nightly night first? I say we go on in and See what's in here". Thunk touches his torch to Wooleys and it sparks to life.

Thunk !search to make sure he has all his adventuring gear


Quaid: "There's no point in waiting for morning. It's going to be dark in there anyway. Lets go!"
Quaid will !search outside for anything useful first.

You search the surrounding area and you find Tunnel

Well this raises some questions... are we going through the door or into the Tunnel

Quaid: "Well obviously the tunnel is a trap. Since the door was opened from the inside I imagine it must be safe? Right, uh... dwarves?"

Chingus shrugs, "My father taught me an ancient Dwarven technique for finding traps."

Chingus grabs two rocks from the floor, throwing one straight down each passageway, "If we hear something... 'trapey', then we found the wrong tunnel."

!D20 - Chingus attempts to set off any traps down the hallways from a safe distance with the rocks.

You pick up 1D20 and roll a 16

No traps are sprung.

You search the surrounding area and you find Berries

Chingus shrugs, "I figure we might as well give it a look. What say you, friends?"

Chingus picks up an unlit torch.

Thunk taps his fire to Chingus' torch and slaps him on the back. "Quaid? Pupper? You boys ready to do some 'venturing? Thunk puts his arms around Wooly and Chingus. These two got torches burning with the spirit. ....or are you 'fraid of the spiders?

Where's that rhyming wizard? We need some entertainment!!

OOC: Chingus is badpupper's character. I think there might have been some confusion with the formatting when I joined or something.

OOC: not really, Thunk is just a little slow. Thunk is a barbarian

OOC: Oh, my sincere apologies. My aunt was a barbarian, I understand.

OOC (OOC): Lol.

Ummmm...oops?? Then where did that other dwarf go? Looking at Quaid and shrugs shoulders. These dwarves all look alike. 😜

Chungus doubles over in laughter, "I hate to say it brothers, but he's got a point! I can't ever tell the difference between my clanmother-in-law and the barkeep's son!"

OOC: 💯👌🤣👍💯