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RE: Bloomin Sunshine.....

in #gardeining4 years ago

These are really one of my favorite flowers of all time. Not only are they gorgeous and the colors vibrant, but, after the summer is gone, you can take them in and enjoy blooms all winter!

How can anyone not love that? It is one of the unusual things in life that keeps giving and giving.

You have a big heart, El. You really do. I know you gave it to your mom because you loved it so much and wanted to give that love to her.

Le sigh.

Indeed. I will bet she was simply delighted! Have a beautiful day, my friend!



I actually went to buy her another bougainvillea that I had seen there before and it was still there so I got it. This hibiscus was suppose to be MINE..... but you are right, it went into the car with the bougainvillea AND my corn !! She got it all ! Now I need to go back....LOL !

I never had a hibiscus before the pink one I showed before, but I think I have over watered it and some of the lower leaves are kinda yellowing. Oh no ! I put it on my front porch so it gets no rain now and I can control it's watering. Meantime it is just blooming & blooming away !

They like some morning sun and they like to be fed. That is what keeps them blooming and blooming! I always take them out of the pots from the stores as they are usually root bound and put them in a ceramic/clay pot.

Yes! Don't overwater! Ya'll kill it! ;)

NOW you tell me.....LOL.... I knew the bougainvilleas don't like water, but I was clueless on the hibiscus.....

I overstated that. They like to be kept moist outside, but, the soil is dry on top. Probably 3-4 times a week i water. Adding some epsom salts is good as fretilizer. Coffee grounds I compost and makes a nice soul for them in the garden. I dig it in for the summer, then pull it up for the winter. Makes a beautiful show in the beds. Too yellow = too much water or not enough.

Le sigh.