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RE: Bloomin Sunshine.....

in #gardeining4 years ago

I actually went to buy her another bougainvillea that I had seen there before and it was still there so I got it. This hibiscus was suppose to be MINE..... but you are right, it went into the car with the bougainvillea AND my corn !! She got it all ! Now I need to go back....LOL !

I never had a hibiscus before the pink one I showed before, but I think I have over watered it and some of the lower leaves are kinda yellowing. Oh no ! I put it on my front porch so it gets no rain now and I can control it's watering. Meantime it is just blooming & blooming away !


They like some morning sun and they like to be fed. That is what keeps them blooming and blooming! I always take them out of the pots from the stores as they are usually root bound and put them in a ceramic/clay pot.

Yes! Don't overwater! Ya'll kill it! ;)

NOW you tell me.....LOL.... I knew the bougainvilleas don't like water, but I was clueless on the hibiscus.....

I overstated that. They like to be kept moist outside, but, the soil is dry on top. Probably 3-4 times a week i water. Adding some epsom salts is good as fretilizer. Coffee grounds I compost and makes a nice soul for them in the garden. I dig it in for the summer, then pull it up for the winter. Makes a beautiful show in the beds. Too yellow = too much water or not enough.

Le sigh.