Garden update and Things that make me go Hmmm.....

in #garden7 years ago

I've really neglected my garden this year with all the mini-vacations we've been on. Luckily it was setup for low maintenance.

So far we have picked:

  • Tomatoes
  • Purple/Green Peppers
  • Jalapenos
  • Summer Squash
  • Kohlrabi
  • Cucumbers
  • Radishes (not many made it in the house, I ate most of them in the garden)


Soon we will be picking much more. I think we are taking this weekend off from vacations to catch up with life.


Things that make me go Hmmmm

So I was watching a documentary on time travel earlier. They keep talking about the speed of light and how as you get closer to it, time slows down. Currently the speed of light is a "constant" 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second). My question is, why isn't it instant? Something has to be slowing it down. This brings me to my crazy theory.

Maybe we should be looking at the speed of dark instead. It has to be providing resistance against the light or the speed of light would be infinite. We can look at far off galaxies but by the time we see them, it's what they looked like billions of years ago. We don't even know what dark matter/energy is, yet the galaxy is made up of ~68% dark energy, ~27% dark matter, ~5% normal matter.

What if instead of reaching the speed to light to time travel we do the opposite? By this I mean slowing down, like meditation. Maybe consciousness is the 4th or 5th dimension we have yet to understand. Could that be how the shamans, Indians and other cultures were able to "see the past and future"?

I'm gonna have to end with this, before I walk out of work and go on a mescaline induced vision quest.



Oh the random things that plague my brain. Hope you enjoyed the garden update and my crazy thoughts. I'm still waiting for the coins I ordered to come in and I'll make a post on them.

Proud member of the best stacking group in the galaxy (with or without the speed of light). #Steemsilvergold.



Looks good to me! Luckly I have neighbors that are good gardeners and hook me up regularly. Right now they are bringing cherries almost daily.

Nice. This is the 3rd year my cherry trees have been picked clean by birds. I need some pet owls. LOL

"Hmmmm" indeed!!

Very interesting thought... It's also interesting that in some regards meditation is making a comeback in this age of go-go-go...

PS, Your garden haul looks delicious!

Things like this intrigue me. It all makes sense in my head. Thanks for stopping by @stnwllstrtgc. The garden haul is tasty, eating some right now. :)

From gardening to the speed of light... this article is certainly interesting. I enjoyed reading it.

I try to keep it interesting. If people could only get inside my head for a day. LOL

That is a pretty good haul @vgholdingsllc! We have started getting a few jalapenos off our garden and be cook them like we would green tomatoes. Bread them and fry 'em without the seeds and it really helps take a lot of the spiciness out of them.

Nice. I'll have to give that a shot. We usually make Cowboy Candy out of them. It's a sweet & spicy relish almost. Great on burgers and hot dogs. I'll have to try them breaded and fried.

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Thanks @ssg-community for always having my back.