Hello my new gardening friend @thesweetdynamik!
The only two places I feel grounded and at peace is on the mountain top or in my garden.
I look forward to your posts ;)
The home grown mushrooms in a contain was very interesting a garbage can with a lid might be something I try because of your post. so ty.
Hello "Healthiswealth"! You're so lucky to have a garden! Please feel free to share with us some picture of it! I would like to know what do you appreciate the most in your garden? :)
I never had the chance to go to the mountain top, have you already wrote a post about it?
Yes!!! I like your idea! It could be a good recycling concept!! If you try this, please show us how it turns! I'm really curious about it ^^! I will do my best to write interesting posts for sure! Thank you for your support !!!!
I appreciate the time my garden offers me... It' theraputic, the more time I spend in it the better I feel.
I have not written about my hike's yet, but here is a picture of a friend, her dog and I at the cabin on top of Dewney mountain. On Sundays I like cooking choc chip pancakes for hikers when I'm there. I meet some very cool people from around the world.
I will send you photo's of the garden when I can.
Nice Picture!!!! This looks like a tiny house. I like that! What's choc chip pancakes? :)
Chocolate chip pancakes are pancakes with choc chips put into the batter.
haaaaaaaaaa! ok ! Sorry myenglish is still broken and some times I don't get some expression x). Today I learn something thanks to you! "choc chip" = "chocolate chip". Thank you! I never try this. It must be very Yummy!
I am glad to teach you a thing or two. :)
I love choc chips in my pancakes, hell I love them in anything. ;)