Have you ever grown mushrooms at home? Avez-vous déjà fait pousser des champignons chez vous?

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)

The other day I was hanging around my supermarket's vegetable shelf and I fell onto this weird thing!

These are plastic pots with a dome-shaped lid. It allows you to grow mushrooms indoors (mushrooms, chanterelle ...).

It was written on the label that we could let those little shrooms grow by putting them into a dark and cool closet.
I was so surprised and I was like « Oh my … ths is so great !! »

Because you know, I love gardening!
I used to have a garden when I was little. My great-grandfather was a gardener for wealthy people who lived in a castle ... Moreover, my grandfather and my father had a garden .... So you can see that it has always been a part of my life. When times became difficult, gardens have always been a place where I could recharge myself up.

But now, I don't live with my parents anymore. I live in a very small flat (14m²) without garden. And … I miss it so bad!
If only it could exist for other vegetables ! Growing your own salad in your kitchen would be so great !

As I have just arrived on steemit I have not yet had time to post you much. If you like gardening and gardens I will post post with pictures of the gardens I visit. And things that are in my parents' garden!

I hope this post has enabled you to discover something new! If you liked I will appreciate that you upvote my post and follow me. I would follow you back for sure!

I will do my best to offer you original and interesting articles!

If you have any questions I would answer with pleasure!

Have a Good time on steemit and on my blog! XOXO

P.S: Excuse me if my English is not quite correct, I am French and it is the first I write blog articles in English. Thanks god, there is google translation to help me! ;)

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L'autre jour, je me promenais dans le rayon légume de mon supermarché et je suis tombé nez à nez avec ces choses bizarres!

Ce sont des pots avec un couvercle en forme de dôme tout en plastique. C'est pour vous permettre de faire pousser des champignons chez vous (champignons de Paris, girolles ...).
Il était indiqué sur l'étiquette que nous pouvions les mettre dans un placard, dans le noir et au frais.
J'étais vraiment étonnée! Et je trouve l'idée super!

Vous savez j'adore jardiner! J'ai toujours eu un jardin quand j'étais petite. Mon arrière grand père était jardinier de métier. Et mon grand-père ainsi que mon père avaient un jardin pour eux-mêmes. Cela a toujours fait partie de ma vie. Et quand les temps sont difficiles, je vais dans un jardin pour me ressourcer!
Mais maintenant, je ne vis plus avec mes parents. J'habite dans un tout petit appartement (14m²) et je n'ai plus de jardin. Cela me manque terriblement!

J'aimerais que ces petits pots puissent exister pour d'autres légumes! Rien que de faire pousser sa propre salade dans sa cuisine serait génial!!! Et puis, faire pousser ses légumes est quelque chose de vraiment gratifiant en plus d'être bon pour la santé ainsi que pour l'esprit!

Comme je viens juste d'arriver sur steemit je n'ai pas encore eu le temps de vous poster grand chose. Si vous aimez le jardinage et les jardins, je posterai des articles avec des photos de ceux que j'ai visité.

J'espère que ce post vous a permis de découvrir quelque chose de nouveau! Si vous avez aimez cet article, j’apprécierai votre upvote et votre follow. Je vous suivrais en retour pour sûre!

Je vais faire de mon mieux pour vous proposer des articles originaux et intéressant!
Si vous avez des questions je répondrai avec plaisir!
A bientôt sur steemit! XOXO

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Super cool! I have the grow box, but I think I over harvested the mushrooms and will need to buy a new one if I want to keep it continually going.

Hi Drwatson! Thank you for your very enthusiastic comment and for sharing your experience ! Apparently, with this kind of " grow box" you can have at least 3 or 4 harvests . How many of these did you have? If you happen to buy a new one, please send me a picture of the first harvest! I would love to see it! :)

I had 2, I probably could have gotten more but I tried plucking the mushrooms out of the box, and I uprooted them like an idiot. Scissors are the way to go!

Yes that must be why ^^"

Hello my new gardening friend @thesweetdynamik!

The only two places I feel grounded and at peace is on the mountain top or in my garden.

I look forward to your posts ;)

The home grown mushrooms in a contain was very interesting a garbage can with a lid might be something I try because of your post. so ty.

Hello "Healthiswealth"! You're so lucky to have a garden! Please feel free to share with us some picture of it! I would like to know what do you appreciate the most in your garden? :)

I never had the chance to go to the mountain top, have you already wrote a post about it?

Yes!!! I like your idea! It could be a good recycling concept!! If you try this, please show us how it turns! I'm really curious about it ^^! I will do my best to write interesting posts for sure! Thank you for your support !!!!

I appreciate the time my garden offers me... It' theraputic, the more time I spend in it the better I feel.

I have not written about my hike's yet, but here is a picture of a friend, her dog and I at the cabin on top of Dewney mountain. On Sundays I like cooking choc chip pancakes for hikers when I'm there. I meet some very cool people from around the world.

I will send you photo's of the garden when I can.

randy 101.jpg

Nice Picture!!!! This looks like a tiny house. I like that! What's choc chip pancakes? :)

Chocolate chip pancakes are pancakes with choc chips put into the batter.

haaaaaaaaaa! ok ! Sorry myenglish is still broken and some times I don't get some expression x). Today I learn something thanks to you! "choc chip" = "chocolate chip". Thank you! I never try this. It must be very Yummy!

I am glad to teach you a thing or two. :)
I love choc chips in my pancakes, hell I love them in anything. ;)

That is really nifty. I garden and also am preparing to embark on a mushroom growing adventure, Miatake. It involves drilling and plugging spores into wood. Not near as easy as the little biospheres you have come across. Happy to come across your post! I also find calm and grounding in my garden!

Hi Steemyoga! It looks really interesting ! Is this this kind of mushroom?
Image of maitake

I know we can find it on woods but I didn't know it was edible! I've just read that this is good for health! It must be really difficult to grow this one indeed!! Please share with us your "growing adventure". It's so cool!

I will do. That does look like miatake. It is very healthy and tastes very yummy. It is rich and meaty tasting! It grows on hardwoods. also do know you can grow some herbs in small pots, cilantro, parsley, basil. They are relatively easy. I look forward to hear about your garden activities. I really love gardening.

I will post some new pictures but this a preview ^^ 1.png