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RE: Vegetable Quiz with Prizes! - The #fruitsandveggies challenge by @barbara-orenya - Identify My Entry!

in #gardening8 years ago

Ha! It's no problem. I was just wondering what was going on on your head. If it helps, I don't think anything of the upvote percentages. I figure an upvote at any percentage is approval. My goal, at least short term on Steemit, is about building a fan base who likes my content. Whether any particular piece of content is worth $ or not is a tertiary consideration. I want to build an audience for my writing and acting that follows me into the offline world.


Thanks for that feedback. I know some folks are doing tit-for-tat percentages. I'm too simple a person for all that, obviously. Good luck with building your audience. I'm a new follower! :D

Yay! Once I get to 125, I'll be posting the next part of my series Gentle Werewolf. The first part I posted a week or so ago, and there have been 5 other installments since then.

Wow. I really liked your Fir Tree freewrite! It's more true than you know, maybe!

Oh, I know.

Fir trees are tasty, alright!