Another Garden Update!

in #gardening4 years ago

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I know that it's only been a week since my last update, but I'm a newbie garden carer and I'm overly excited by the growth that's happening.

Just look at these tomatoes:

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They're just shooting up and I love it.

My garlic chives aren't cooperating, however. I'm not sure what's wrong, but every thing I've planted is growing except for the chives. I even bought a new packet of seeds from a different brand and planted those, and those ones aren't growing either.

They're in good soil. They're getting sunlight. They're getting water. But not even the tiniest sprout is sprouting. Which is sad because I loooove garlic chives and I was looking forward to using them to garnish literally -everything-. 😅

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Just look at this empty pot -- look at it! It should be full of sprouting chives, instead it's full of nothingness.


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I'm not sure when is a good time to start sorting out that basil. Not only did I go overboard with the seeds, but they got slightly scattered during a sudden storm a couple of weeks back and I'll need to deal with them.

⭐️ Fun Fact ⭐️:
Basil is literally the only plant I've ever grown successfully before. But. It only survived and thrived due to a survival-of-the-fittest scenario.

I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Chucked a heap of different seeds into the one pot, hoping they would live alongside one another. Obviously their roots fought for space and the basil's was the one who found success. Oh and he was glorious. I ate of his leaves almost every day! Until someone waltzed into the yard and stole him.

Hoping to have a better experience this time, haha.

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Here we have some rainbow silverbeet.

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And here we have some friendly carrots! Very friendly! 😅

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It's all coming together! Except for those blasted garlic chives. I really don't know what's going on with them. 😕

While those delicious morsels are growing out the back, we've started working on the front. I've wanted to plant some pretty flowers on the front verandah since moving in, but we didn't know til recently if we were going to be staying here or not due to the house being up for sale and we're just lowly tenants.

Luckily the new owners are happy with us here, and as such I can now beautify the front verandah! 😁

This is what it looks like at the moment......

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Well, part of it. There's an extra garden bit on the other side of the stairs also. And here are a bunch of flowers I'm eyeballing, working out where best to put them:

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Thinking of doing some layering, since the flowers range in size from 2m down to 50cm. 🌺🙃


Until next time,

Thanks for stopping by!!! 😄🌿


Surprise Charlie!

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All photos in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci


Very excellent shots of the plant in this blog! I asked my wife about the chives because I remember her complaining about them when she was trying to grow them a few years back and she was saying that they could take as long as 2 months to germinate. She also said to pick the flower buds off the plants and pickle them to make a nice vinegarette for salads (or just eating the pickled flower, they are tasty!) This will also help prevent the chives from spreading as I guess they can easily get away on you if they start to spread.

Apologies if you already know this ^_^

Two months!!! 😱 It's okay. Those things are delicious. I will wait... patiently.

Back in the day, my mum used to have a pot filled with garlic chives and I remember chopping some off for mashed potato allllll the time, and just eating the flowers, haha. Never thought of pickling them before, but that's a spiffy idea!

If they don't come up soon, don't be ashamed to go to a greenhouse and purchase some already established plants! I know it's a lot of fun to grow it from seed, but some plants aren't really worth it, tbh. Strawberries, for example. :D I am living vicariously though your garden, because we can't have one up here :p

Honestly, I had a brief look at the established plants at one of our nurseries when I was getting the second batch of seeds, but decided to have one more try. 🙂 If nothing happens after 2 months guess I'll have another look! xD

I guess the strawberries were from experience? 😅

I haven't started growing any fruit yet, but I was planning on strawberries and a grape vine at some point. I assume the vine I will definitely have to get established since I'm not interested in seeds in my grapes.

Vicariously live away! I'm excited and will be sharing allllll the time! Haha! 😁

Hi @kaelci. Good article, just like you I like to plant, but not everything manages to grow and bear fruit. I'm sure that everything you planted will bear fruit, it's just a matter of patience and care. Basils are great, you can put them in almost any food and get a great flavor. Or if you prefer to make a tea that will help you fight colds, relieve coughs and asthma and strengthen the immune system, among other benefits.

Thank you; I had no idea about the other benefits of Basil, just that it tastes really good mixed in some foods, fresh or dried. 🙂