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RE: Another Garden Update!

in #gardening4 years ago

Two months!!! 😱 It's okay. Those things are delicious. I will wait... patiently.

Back in the day, my mum used to have a pot filled with garlic chives and I remember chopping some off for mashed potato allllll the time, and just eating the flowers, haha. Never thought of pickling them before, but that's a spiffy idea!


If they don't come up soon, don't be ashamed to go to a greenhouse and purchase some already established plants! I know it's a lot of fun to grow it from seed, but some plants aren't really worth it, tbh. Strawberries, for example. :D I am living vicariously though your garden, because we can't have one up here :p

Honestly, I had a brief look at the established plants at one of our nurseries when I was getting the second batch of seeds, but decided to have one more try. 🙂 If nothing happens after 2 months guess I'll have another look! xD

I guess the strawberries were from experience? 😅

I haven't started growing any fruit yet, but I was planning on strawberries and a grape vine at some point. I assume the vine I will definitely have to get established since I'm not interested in seeds in my grapes.

Vicariously live away! I'm excited and will be sharing allllll the time! Haha! 😁