YEAHHH!!!! We Grew An Actual Head Of Romaine Lettuce!!!! (From Our Own Saved Seeds At That)

in #gardening8 years ago

Photo on 2017-07-17 at 1.16 PM.jpg

I don't know about you...

But I usually cut my lettuces wayyyyy before maturity. I take the tops off constantly and they just keep growing and growing, but this dude here, well, he was a little volunteer seed that must have blown over to a vacant spot. This bad boy grew all by himself in the early spring in a now-squash patch. I decided to let him grow up to his full potential and WOW.

It may not seem like a big deal to you, but to have romaine that looks like the grocery store, except it's not all pesticide ridden, with tough leaves and brown/black edging on the tips just made my YEAR.

The kids and I actually went next level too, we wrapped it up with an elastic band and put it in a produce bag to try and trick Dad ( @hendrix22 ) when he got home. He was almost fooled, except for the fact that we only have one vehicle and it would have been physically impossible for the boys and I to have gone to the store to buy romaine LOL!!

Photo on 2017-07-17 at 1.18 PM #2.jpg

Ok, photo shoot fail...Kiedis was more interested in slingshotting an elastic into your faces...sorry...hope you don't lose an eye...I just can't tame these guys for longer than a few minutes!

Photo on 2017-07-17 at 1.18 PM.jpg

Let's admire the glory of organic romaine lettuce one more time for the road...

Photo on 2017-07-17 at 1.16 PM #4.jpg

Thank you for sharing in these small pleasures with me.

Until next time, sending out mad love and tonnes of good vibes,

<3 @LyndsayBowes


Thats awesome! Enjoy!!!!!

Thank you very much! :) :) :) We most definitely will be enjoying <3

The best looking head of romaine I've seen in ages!!! Great Job Lynds

I can't wait to eat it up with yous <3

So, do your boys get their exuberance from eating all that good food you grow and feed to them and encourage them to pass around as the best Stuff?

or from their Mama? (Some would even give the Papa some credit here)

or All of the Above?

Are you what you eat? (Is this TRUE?)

A picture can tell a thousands words and the picture of your kids tells millions!

Awwwwwww, the 'B' in your screen name must stand for BeautifulSoul!! :) Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm beaming!

That's a nice thought.

This is awesome. Love homegrown veggies! I live in an urban area in Michigan, and a few of my friends have gardens in their backyards. One of my good friends started a garden in the empty lot next to his house (he got permission from the landowner)

The neighborhood looks so much better now . . not to mention the people on his street get some great local stuff like lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, etc.

I might go for it and start a garden next year. Lord knows my backyard needs all the love it can get lol

Wow!! Good on your friend, and good on you for thinking about starting a garden for next season, I don't think I have to tell you the benefits, you already know em! I wish you a tonne of luck and success, it's a wonderful learning experience, and I make so many mistakes it's not even funny, yet, I love the challenge of it all, and putting what I learned to the test the next year <3 <3

Gonna make for a beautiful salad.

Yes, indeed. Gonna have to have a good old fashioned caeser salad with it, @hendrix22 makes a mean dressing, and I make my own croutons!

Right on. I like my salads plain personally.

Yes, I do know that :)

I can feel the freshness of the lettuce and the happiness especially from your boys from the photo. Great post

Yes, they are over the Moon, it's great to see them so excited over a vegetable hey?

It looks extra delicious! Your children's enthusiasm is amazing.

Thank you very much Ed! Where in Canada are you?

Saskatoon, the bridge city!

Ooh right on! Just love Saskatchewan. It's got its own majestic beauty that is for sure, really enjoyed passing through on multiple occasions, in the summer, I just loved the bright green grasses with the little ponds/lakes all throughout! And the badlands were badass too!

Cypress Hills was awesome as well

Good work. Growing something like that is so satisfying.

Thank you very much :)

Yummy food! If you like food you can see some on my posts. Enjoy. @lyndsaybowes

Oh Very Nice Upvoted

Thank you <3

Good work, I am gonna eat more lettuce, thanks.

HAHAA right on! It's super easy to grow :) Doesn't mind the cold weather either, a great plant to plant in early spring, or in the fall.

best looking

Thank you <3

Heaven Yeah!...Hey SiStar GodDess Lyndsay...Following you...I just signed up...come follow me, too...Fascistbook is driving me crazy!...Huge Huggies... @rwarriorgoddess


Mwuah & Love you SiStar GodDess Lindsay!...Shine On!!!...<3

Aww, MUAH back !!! xoxooxoxox