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RE: YEAHHH!!!! We Grew An Actual Head Of Romaine Lettuce!!!! (From Our Own Saved Seeds At That)

in #gardening8 years ago

This is awesome. Love homegrown veggies! I live in an urban area in Michigan, and a few of my friends have gardens in their backyards. One of my good friends started a garden in the empty lot next to his house (he got permission from the landowner)

The neighborhood looks so much better now . . not to mention the people on his street get some great local stuff like lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, etc.

I might go for it and start a garden next year. Lord knows my backyard needs all the love it can get lol


Wow!! Good on your friend, and good on you for thinking about starting a garden for next season, I don't think I have to tell you the benefits, you already know em! I wish you a tonne of luck and success, it's a wonderful learning experience, and I make so many mistakes it's not even funny, yet, I love the challenge of it all, and putting what I learned to the test the next year <3 <3