
Wow! Not sure how you stumbled on it now, but I'm glad that you found it! I guess I should have SPAM commented on some of your posts, LOL! Maybe next time!

I was showing a co-worker info about the blockchain. I decided to look up my profile in a Google search and your post popped up in the second result. I was like WTF, how did I miss that? It's interesting how many people don't know anything about the blockchains so I'm trying to teach people now.

Also, if someone is prominent enough on the platform I don't think anything they post is spam. And I believe in upvoting yourself as much as you want as long as you are bringing something worthwhile to the table.

The SPAM thing was a joke, but I do know what you are saying. Also, I've stumbled upon all sorts of stuff when doing searches later too. I guess you finding some random post made "in your honor" is a good sign of community and friendship here, so maybe that helped show a bit about the personal level of interaction within our community to your co-worker. Explaining it all can be a daunting task!

...Use the SPAM LukeDefinitely my friend and I guess I was saying that I would have been okay with @papa-pepper's SPAM and especially since it would have been in my honor