It is not surprising that the CEO of an innovative company is an ENTJ.
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is one operationalization of the underlying Jungian theory of personality differences. While that theory can provide some insight into personality, it is also hard to operationalize because it operates on a broad and abstract level. That said, let's play along.
I agree that NT's get along best with other NT's. I'm an ENTP. I sometimes find it hard to see eye to eye with my wife as she is not an NT. It's easy for me to completely disregard the emotional tone of an argument and focus on the issue alone. I don't do that all the time, of course, but I always consider the merits of something regardless of how it makes me feel.
Have you looked into how the four "functions" N, S, T and their introverted and extroverted attitudes work?