How MyersBriggs Brings Me Joy

in #gathering7 years ago (edited)

‪As I have become more knowledgeable of my world, which lately I consider to consist mainly of blockchain and community building possibilities, I have become less talkative outside of these topics.‬

I have to admit this scope feels incredibly limited. I am almost embarrassed to admit it, though, I do have other interests, including walking daily and swimming, as well as playing guitar and other instruments, and traveling, listening to stories and people with deep specialized knowledge outside of my focal domains.

When I was younger I wondered if I actually enjoy talking. One thing I knew was that I could talk at the drop of a hat if it were in my best interest, but I was also asking myself if I enjoyed talking about things that didn’t seem relevant to me, because, although I could not articulate the issue at the time, talking just to talk did not feel enjoyable. Now I know I do enjoy talking — but for me, talking must be in the right contexts to be enjoyable, as well as the other side of the coin, not completely insufferable.

In particular, the Myers Briggs scale has helped me identify those contexts by showing me who the people are who I easily connect with.

By Myers Briggs measures, I am ENTJ, which refers to my dominant traits: extraverted, intuitive, thinking, judging. And apparently, many NTs get along, and much better than they do with non NTs. (See: for more)

This scale began taking on empirical value for me after noticing that 90% of Steemit’s employees were of the NT (Intuitive Thinking) types. Clearly I was attracting or attracted to some type of like mind.

Later I began applying this scale to my dating life to find out if it could help me find a life partner.

Today I spoke with an attractive INTP woman I had just met a few days ago, and I really enjoyed it. Her intuition and thinking were completely on my wavelength and it felt reciprocal. We were talking about everything — nothing was off limits — and the conversation was creative, from castle architecture to artistic passions. And those kind of experiences have helped me realize, with the right people, we can talk about anything.

Growing up I didn’t know this. I lived with three closely aged siblings and two loving parents. All wonderful, beautiful people. I have many things to admire them for, especially my parents. But I also know none of them to be NT. To me, this explains a lot — I almost always felt I was the odd one out and that no one was “getting me” while growing up, and it’s natural that personality idiosyncrasies between my family members and I could be behind my feeling of not being able to talk about just anything and that nagging sense of always being poorly understood — meaning that even if my family members do understand my tendencies — they tended not to understand why I think and talk the ways I do.

Today, I love my family members — and we get along well — but I’m still a black sheep in some conversations, especially politics. I mostly ignore these conversations but also can’t stand the feeling of witnessing hypocrisy when people I care for voice contradictory opinions, and this can cause me to voice my opinion about the hypocrisy I feel I’m seeing.

From these types of experiences I’ve learned to talk about subjects I’m interested in with people who share those interests, to talk about anything with people who share type of mind, and to talk about nothing with people who share no interests and share no mind.

To bring these lessons into action, I have learned to seek people I love to talk with and then I will assuredly find more happiness.

I love finding people that I love talking with.

Would you and I enjoy talking?

— Ned


There are 2 pages


Myers-Briggs is awesome we should talk.

I'd like to be a developer for Steem but I'm havin' trouble.

I think we would definitely enjoy talking! We’ve talked in the past...well, in text chats. You just always seemed to want to talk past me. And you were quite condescending, whether you realized or not. I just chalked that up to your youth and a desire to be seen as intelligent - to seek validation among your elders/peers.

The good thing is, you can change. Maybe all of this self-reflection you’ve been doing lately will help you understand this Steem community and how your words and actions/decisions have an effect on it. And while it’s good to at least see you writing about some of these reflections, it would be even better to see the CEO behavior and decision-making change along with the written attitude you’ve shown us.

It’s never too late to fix right the wrongs. But you have to own up to them and understand the impact/severity of their effects. You can certainly celebrate accomplishments and talk about self-improvement. Just remember that everyone who is not you still sees the rest of you and what you’ve done. It can’t be ignored.

And while you’re reflecting, try to remember that there was once an alluring vision for this blockchain that is being lost with each passing day. Some still believe in that vision, some are searching for it, and some are giving up on it. You could make a legacy for yourself by finding it once truly being a leader.

You’re still young. You have lots of time. But for tech and social media projects - time is of the essence. And that time appears to be running out.

I’m INTJ, by the way.

This seems condescending ...

I’m INTJ, by the way.


Hey Ned, I don't know if you are familiar with the work of Robin Dunbar. He is one of those voices that I think helped me understand a lot about our human condition.

It might be controversial to some, but I find the simplicity, the plausible explanations for our inability to grow beyond a number of meaningful connections quite liberating.

Now, I'm under no illusion that this is "the answer". I'm outlining the possibility for its validity and the value of its consideration.

I won't spam your post, but I suspect, you will find his theories interesting. You seem to be in the middle of an introspective journey, and those never have answers, just more interesting questions.

Hopefully I'm showing you a door you had not considered.

Dunbar's Number and the MonkeySphere
that explains everything. (socially and politically)

does it not?? I thought it did perfectly... perfectly... but not everyone is ready for that message. I've had people get offended by the suggestion.

the fact that they are offended is more evidence that it is true.

Hi @ned. Please take a look on commets section. Your steem power is used to punish innocent people

I thought you were raising a serious issue. It is a good act of @steemcleanera that has found that post to be plagiarized. What the @ned has to do with it?

I think your plea will fall into deaf ears bud... the content is plagiarized. I checked the claim myself. I have no association with steemcleaners, but they are not wrong on this one.

Business Systems Analyst ...Very interesting post @Ned! We'd be able to talk comfortably, I think, as I am an INTJ. An engineer early in my career. Currently a

I first took the Myers Briggss test early in my career and still remember some of the fun comments made by the person administering the test. Fairly recently, I took it again and got the exact same result. Seems to support that we are just "wired" a certain way!

Have you ever taken any of the other psychological tests "out there?" It has always fascinated me how much insight they glean from simply answering a few questions.

I particularly liked the Birkman Profile test administered years ago and the administrator's use of it to try and build more cohesive, productive teams ...

On the move ... Posted using Partiko Android

Can't really say if you and I can enjoy talking cos I love talking about politics a lot. Maybe that's due to my environment cos I'm a Nigerian and I reside in Nigeria.

Happy will you see a Nigerian that doesn't talk politics. Our government has failed us in everything. Thank God for steemit

We might not enjoy talking (INFP, so we have only N in common), but I definitely enjoy the new, blogging Ned.

All this introspection... come to the "I" side!!
P.S. Some people love to hate Myers - Briggs. I've always found it to be relevant. Objectivity is for physical sciences. We're talking about personal insights here.

My INTP friend suggested “S” types can’t stand Myers Briggs :)

Good point, they probably like things to be more directly observable and measurable.


Being an iconoclast is never easy. Most people enjoy the status quo because it provides a sense of security. Likewise, stepping outside of the conversational comfort zone and discussing something one does not know much about can be a real challenge. Most people are dealing with an almost paralyzing fear of being judged and then found lacking. Also you appear to be ... I don't really know you ... a very intense listener. Many people do not like to be observed that way.

Not always being on a comfortable wavelength with people comes with being unique but it is also important ... I think ... to remember almost everyone has something they can teach you. I find an openness can elevate and alleviate what would otherwise be a painful conversational moment. That said ... knowing when to say nothing is golden too. With that ... I'll say no more:)

I am an INFJ, NT and NF are supposed to be complementary. Specially for the N part haha, but I don't get along easy with extroverted people. So I don't know.

Definitely the "Please understand me" book by David Keirsey is amazing and does help a lot to understand others and ourselves.

There are also other temperament sorters, I recommend you to check Conrad Hook's.


Great to travel through your words and also great to know that you are really analysing all different aspects which we have, and you putting all the study and understanding into practical life and the great thing is it's working for you. And in my opinion sometimes there would be some topics where we don't agree with our family members and vice versa and that's nature of human being because everyone have their own beliefs and opinion and these opinions expands when we explore practical outside world.

Yes, if i get an opportunity i want to meet you and want to have an conversation and i believe that how successful an conversation can be proved can be analysed after the conversation and i believe that many Steemians are waiting for this opportunity.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

We did speak briefly at Steemfest last year, but you were pretty busy. I like to think we would get on. I didn't know you played guitar. If love to jam with you. That doesn't even need words

My relationship with my family is similar. I love them all dearly, but whenever I talk about something I’m passionate about they just kind of nod their head and say “uh huh. yeah, that’s great honey” and other similar lines. Unless I’m discussing politics, then they tell me I’m wrong and try to change the subject immediately.

For my entire life it’s been difficult to find people I can have substinative conversation with. No one ever wants to discuss philosophy, morality, history, or question our reality. I’m never around anyone who has the same opinions as me, or even thinks about the things I do. I would kill for a libertarian friend that lived close.

They’re just glued to Facebook. They want to talk about movies, their next big purchase, or vacation, or relationships. It’s made me feel quite alone, and I think turned me into an intorovert. I’ve had a couple friends here and there that I could dive into deep topics, but generally they aren’t as interested or informed as I am, or with the case of my best friend a Dade, move to Europe.

I’ve never been around intellectuals, or anything lik that. I dropped out of high school to play music, and eventually became a drug addict. Obviously I’m not going to find stimulating conversation in those circles. It’s hard to find anyone who even reads books.

This is why I find myself online so much. Searching for fulfilling ideas and conversations with strangers. It’s rewarding, but not the same as having vigourus conversation and debate in person; but it’s enough to keep me from going crazy.

Sorry for the rant. Couldn’t help myself. Thanks @ned.

Thanks for the open reply. Find your people and you will feel freed.

The situation is same here. People seem to entirely different in reality from what they are on Facebook. They talk philosophy and politics over there but hesitate to converse it in reality.

I don't really know if the people we crave their presence for even exist! What I do is to try to educate those who are around me of things I'm well aware of.

Hahaha, that's great...
I had exactly the same experience in the past with my family.
Especially with my sister, now she passed the 50th's and wonder, wonder...
She changed her mind and agree with my politcal statements.

Best regards from another black sheep, hahaha
Really nice to read your thoughts @ned.

Come hangout and have a beer @ned... sounds like you need it..

I gave up drinking eight months ago :)

Good decision

I'm thinking about doing the same but only temporarily to save some money. :) We have high alcohol taxes in Finland and it's good to take a break every once in while. I like beer all too much to give it up for good. If I lived in New England, I'd probably make some effort to learn about the microbreweries there. We have craft beers beers mostly from New England and California in the supermarkets and liquor stores here.

I gave up telling people I gave up drinking, because it insinuates that I had a drinking problem ... when I have no problem with drinking. =)

For you however, there's an 81% chance that you will consume alcohol at some point (again) due to your income (#science). It, of course, would begin socially, then can turn into a semi-regular basis, while a majority in your bracket will remain able to drink in moderation, a sizable chunk of the minority will fall to the addiction disease.

Best of luck Ned!

Oh and ... I like your guitar playing, and your hair ... but not the way you line up your beard. =)

How would you like to see it lined up? :)

I'm really into the "don't give a shit" look lately, so this is the best example I can find quickly...

But, being completely honest, this would not do wonders for the price. =)

LOL'ed pretty hard.


I enjoyed reading @ned, the truth is that it could be quite very boring talking with someone who doesn't have similar interest with you or a like-mind because the conservation isn't going to flow at all and you may even regret why you started the discussion at first.

I'm an ENFP... I imagine I'm a little more of the feely/intuitive type then the thinking/judging extroverted type.

Looking forward to the day of meeting the team and seeing what kind of culture you've built a Steemit Inc.

These personality tests are actually quite useful in allowing you to "find your tribe". My work team took several of these in the insurance company I worked for throughout the years and they always made root causes of dysfunction so much more clear. Life is a never ending journey of self discovery, this is one of my favorite things about getting older.

This seems to me to be a deep psychological post. Measuring the quantity of connection with other people is a thing that everyone does at times. This measurement you put forward is indeed similar in most cases. When we interact with other people a sense of understanding has to emerge inorder to feel comfortable.

Everybody is different. Finding right people who can give us right joy is a difficult thing and it requires luck in many cases. It's good to know that you have found a girlfriend with whom you can talk comfortably. I think I can comfortably talk to you if we meet! All the best @ned

Clearly I was attracting or attracted to some type of like mind.

of course it is, same spirit attract to each other!

I used to talk about political issues I don’t anymore, it sucks my energy. I can empathize with your focus on things you are interested in and feeling comfortable with only a few people. I rarely get lost in conversation with anyone, right now the test says I’m a ADVOCATE

I change as I age...hahhaha

ENTP - We would go alright!

I had never taken the MyersBriggs before (had to adjust the url a bit but came up a ENFJ-A - a bit more feely it seems than perhaps you. Was an interesting test and questions. I've heard many reference it before and understood many of the markers, but I can see it's general usefulness. Fun exercise.

I took the Myers Briggs test but I forgot my result. The one thing that stuck with me here is your hate for hypocrisy. I share the same passion.

You're a good writer as well as a good talker. I like to read your writing and would love to chat. Engaging post!

I've always appreciated what this website had to say about my myers briggs

ENFPs are fiercely independent, and much more than stability and security, they crave creativity and freedom.

Some cool insight into one of the founding fathers. One thing that I've learned about myself as I've grown is that the more I learn about the world, the more I realize that I know nothing.
Coming to this realization, I like to listen more than I talk now, I am always seeking to learn new things and see something from a different perspective. In the 21st century it was baffling to me how much collective knowledge is out there and yet still so much disagreement by people all over the world. So now, whenever I go into a meeting or social situation with new people and do my best to listen and absorb the information coming in before passing any judgment.

This has really helped me to get rid of some of my biases and become more accepting.

I have noticed something similar myself being less talkative in topics outside of crypto.

This was interesting to read as this is the first time I am reading a more personal blog from you and I find it refreshing.

I hope for the best on your journey to find your life partner and also hope to have a conversation with you in the future where you and I will enjoy talking with each other :)

I talk too much..sometimes i reveal confidencial secrete while talking.just to prove my point.

Is has been a much bigger problems to me that i just decide this year,as my new year resolution.That i will keep less friends around.
Maybe becsuse i love to make my point clearly.And i love talking politics and reformations.I just cant find like-mind.

Happy you found yours.

Very interesting thoughts again, thanks for sharing @ned! 👏

trata a los demás como te gustaría que te traten a ti" (regla de oro), lo lógico es que uno también mostrara odio sin hipocresía, pero la mejor forma que he conseguido es vencer al mal con el bien. Y no dejar que te afecte el mal comportamiento de los demás, hay que ser uno mismo y no ser vacilante en cuanto a actitud y decisiones, por ejemplo aplicado a steemit, si me siguen y me dan un voto y comentan y me gusta su comentario, reviso quien es o si tan simplemente es un robot, o alguien que nada mas esta buscando un voto en el mensaje, pero si es sincero, que seguro uno se da cuenta, lo sigo, les lee sus publicaciones, les comento de corazón, y nos hacemos amigos, los que no estén es esta dirección entonces solo tendrán dinero, no amigos.Estoy de acurdo @ned, últimamente lo llamo odio sin hipocresía, cuando realmente alguien te habla sin amor (no sentimental) es preferible que te ignore, y como la regla aplica en las dos direcciones, osea "

I'm getting my Adam on here, sorry. 😉 Tl;dw Myers-Briggs was made up by two novelists in the 40s (and I'm a novelist, so not knocking novelists, but we're not psychologists doing experiments).

Not super interesting to belittle the concept by the inventor’s other accomplishments because Psychology always needed creative origins. Let’s remember Id, Ego and Superego were also dreamed up concepts by a creative, drug-doing type.

And if we can respect Freud, MyersBriggs is based in the workings of Jung, and therefore it had a good start. Accuracy was always measureable later. And some personality scale overtime would need to find prominence by representing folks accurately.

And now to boot, my personal data suggest MyersBriggs works well :)

Basically, it's fun and interesting, but not psychological science. I'm an INFP, and I'm a Leo - both are things where I can see aspects of myself, but neither are scientific in nature. Another point on M-B, is that people flip on it: I used to be an extreme extrovert, now I'm an extreme introvert. Personality is not static.The piece on the show continues, but isn't available on YouTube,so I will give you this article. Basically, it hasn't been measured and proven accurate. It's prominent because of money - it makes lots.

“Flaws” in MyersBriggs or people’s semi-fluid scores do not disprove it as an objective grounds for understanding our personalities. Horoscopes are an entirely different thing: they do not provide objective baselines for analysis as they test us for literally nothing other than our birth dates. Stick with MyersBriggs to gain any real insights about personal interactions.

The fact that it suits you as an anecdotal success is, really, little more than astrology and general cold reading, just digitized. Anyone can give an incredibly detailed essay yon your personality by doing little more than giving a second glance, just see Derren Brown's incredible cold reading trick that blows them all away as proof.

When you answer questions like 'yes I like to be alone' 'I find myself in my own world' 'i don't like to work under pressure' and 'I prefer to take a back seat' - It's hardly a surprise that the results come back saying

'You are somebody who likes to be in their own world, unless there are some external sources of pressure. Typically you prefer to take a back seat in these matters'

From there it's not hard to extrapolate with high probability of success that:

You are a creative individual who applies this in all aspects of life, from work to relationships and even the bedroom. You prize loyalty but try not to push this agenda, giving friends the freedom they usually desire from your intense love of the search for knowledge around you

And so on. The intent may have not been to trick people, but the outcome is little more, at the end of the day.

There's no actual new insight being reported in the test, it's just structuring your own thoughts about yourself that you manually input, into lengthy paragraphs - which is nice in its own way (Mine was basically 100% accurate when I tried it as an INTP and helped me explain my weirdness to some people) but it is important to accept that it's not much more than hocus pocus in its methodology.

Because of this, more importantly, one should not let the test define you. as many people do. By looking at it agreeably and unconditionally, a person is subject to establish themselves as that for life, but as others have pointed out, we are more complicated than that. My sister was once an extreme extrovert and now she is far more in line with introversion. Almost everybody who takes the test gets a different result six months later precisely because environmental experiences, surrounding friends and more changes us over time.

One might find the perfect INTP woman, but if they are made to believe the love is because she's INTP, when she inevitably shifts to, say, ENFJ, they;re going to resent the change and everything will fall apart - because the person in this story has defined them on faith as one state of personality.

Remember, you are not JUST 80% Introverted, for example. You are also 40% Extraverted. You are not only 77% ENFJ, you are 70% ENTP, 30% ESFJ, 56% INTP and so on. it only takes a little nudge in life experience to change you from ENFP to ENTP in this example.

But again, there's no legitimate science behind it - lots of reading on the subject out there and I think there are some modern alternatives that may be more legit

I'm glad it makes you happy.

I used to mull over these theories and instruments a lot about 20 years ago. Despite my somewhat sceptical attitude towards measuring and operationalizing these concepts, sometimes you meet people who seem like walking and talking textbook examples of the types or temperaments. Bloggers on Steem cannot help but expose their tendencies over time. I don't think I've ever met anyone who comes off as purely NF having a mixed bag of NFP and NFJ traits as @tarazkp, for example, who is IMHO a model community builder here. There are lots of NT types here. I would imagine Steemians to be heavily biased towards N at this stage.

I do not think we would get along well at all. We may debate, but then again I do not have a sufficiently tainted mind from higher learning to know how to that. (not to mention to old to really care anymore).

And if we can respect Freud, MyersBriggs is based in the workings of Jung, and therefore it had a good start

I have no respect for Freud at all. I barely know who Jung is, and Myers Briggs test is nothing more than a tool for mid level management to use to divide and conquer their workforce.

If as Freud suggest that Id, Ego, and Superego are a part and parcel of who we are, then what kind of a moron would suggest self immolation of killing Your Ego.

When people learn to be able to accept who they are, then and only then can they accept others for who they are.

But then again, like I said I have no debate skills, and no higher education. And not one person in the past 35 years of my seriously asking has ever convinced me that killing a part of yourself is good for you. It creates an imbalance after all you just murdered 1/3 of yourself if you "kill" your ego.

Democrat, liberal, republican, whig, leftist, right wing, or centerest, all Myers Briggs is used for is to pigeon hole and divide individuals, and to cause the individual to blame their actions, inactions, on a character trait, instead of manning up and taking responsibility for their action.

So no I do not think we would get along conversation wise. However that does not mean I do not respect you for what you have done and for what you are trying to do. We all have our own path to travel in life, and it is your choice which turns you will take, what decisions you will make. There is no Pill one can take to stay on the right path, the right path is the one you chose that causes the least amount of harm you your psyche. Your choice whether to become a member of the white coat boot lick society or not, no one can make that call or choice for you.

I barely know who Jung is, and Myers Briggs test is nothing more than a tool for mid level management to use to divide and conquer their workforce.

That is the biggest problem with the MBTI. It's a dumbed-down way to interpret Jung's ideas. Some of Jung's ideas seem insightful and interesting but they are hard to translate into measurable scales. In the hands of corporate managers, such tools are akin to powertools in the hands of four-year-olds. Linking Jung's ideas to other more down-to-earth concepts in psychology is not easy because Jung's language is somewhat vague, and he holds some questionable ideas such as "synchronicity". Yet, there is something powerful to them.

Would you and I enjoy talking?
I just took the test.
It said that I'm (INTP-A)
what does that mean?

4 Reasons Why MBTI SucksHey @ned, sorry to tell you that but MBTI has no value whatsoever from both empirical/statistical and jungian perspective. I laid down 4 main reasons why it "sucks" in an article that I wrote some time ago:

I read your reasons and they do not “debunk” the value of the MyersBriggs scale. My gripe with the reasons: other than a few sentences in point four, the argument seemed highly preidcated on crediting Jung, whose science was also extremely based on personal experience and creativity.

At the end of the piece, it’s still clear to me, MyersBriggs has been validated by the market and provides an objective framework for personality discussions.

No it's not and there is a scientific consensus about that.
Is homeopathy objective because it is validated by the market?

Jung at least didn't try to provide a psychological test with measurements.

Your flaw is that it has in real life helped millions of people understand themselves more. Case closed.

Agreed, in the same manner as horoscope did ;)

Horoscope is just a little fun. Myers Briggs has a massive community and it helps others understand others better. Is is perfect? Of course not. But it provides a framework that works for majority of people.

Horoscope is not even close to that. If you have a look at forums where people discuss Myers Briggs types they go very sophisticated in depth. It actually has created real discussions between people.

There are horoscope forums and huge community claiming it helped them understand too. Personality psychologists regard MBTI as useless in describing personality. I provided literature on that in my article, but I guess further discussion is pointless.

This is a reply to saunter (above) but it seems to have landed in the wrong place. Anyway

Scientific consensus is an oxymoron and is by it's very nature un-scientific.
Even if 100% of scientists agree on something that doesn't mean it's true, correct or valid.

Science is based on evidence and a single piece of contradicting evidence is all that's needed to falsify any scientific claim.

You are right of course, but MBTI was dismissed in number of papers and there is no single one effectively defending it's psychometric characteristics and utility.

Well I wasn't defending the validity or otherwise of MBTI. In fact I never even heard of it before. But when I saw scientific consensus being brought up it was a red flag for me, since this misconception has been so widely used (misused) especially to convince the public that Global Warming is a thing when in fact there's little or no evidence to support it.

Besides, Psychology is not a science in any meaningful sense of the word. Just a mishmash of conjecture and opinion which could only be debunked by more of the same. Which is to say it can't be debunked. No more than pink unicorns or big-foot etc.

@ned All is Well.. Dont lose hope.. you have brought love and happiness to most of creating steemit..that all the family we need...

I try to be patient with those not like me on the Myers-Briggs scale as their views and perspective can change over time. I was an ISFJ the first time that I took the test but I am an INFJ now.

I love talking with people who have an open mind, well thought ideas and who are willing to grow and discuss alternative views.

I find it quite energising and it usually gets me thinking in different ways. The freshest example in my mind was a CEO I met in Dublin recently who was telling me about his startup, his vision and strategy. Very inspiring.

I took the Myers Briggs test a few years ago, I can't remember what I am but I don't really like putting people in boxes. For work and efficiency sure, but some of the greatest experiences I have had outside of work have been in the most unexpected circumstances.

I guess I like rolling the dice a bit and seeing where it lands 😀

It is not surprising that the CEO of an innovative company is an ENTJ.

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is one operationalization of the underlying Jungian theory of personality differences. While that theory can provide some insight into personality, it is also hard to operationalize because it operates on a broad and abstract level. That said, let's play along.

I agree that NT's get along best with other NT's. I'm an ENTP. I sometimes find it hard to see eye to eye with my wife as she is not an NT. It's easy for me to completely disregard the emotional tone of an argument and focus on the issue alone. I don't do that all the time, of course, but I always consider the merits of something regardless of how it makes me feel.

Have you looked into how the four "functions" N, S, T and their introverted and extroverted attitudes work?

Am first very happy to see your blog, I think it gives me more sense of belonging again. Then I think this is a very interesting topic and would surely see more to know those I best fit in with.

Generally, it has always been easier making better relationship with people have like minds as ours. Understanding better why things are the way they are will help control some negative vibes along the way.

Thank you very much for this thoughtful post.

That was interesting ... i hadn't heard about myers briggs

I could probably hold down my end of a discussion about castles ;)

Later I began applying this scale to my dating life to find out if it could help me find a life partner.

I laughed when I read that but it is probably a good idea, surely a time saver. Probably better than an Eharmony account.

I’m really happy to see you sharing these types of self reflecting and mildly revealing posts recently. Myer-Briggs is helpful to so many people. I have tested as an high five fellow NT.

Another tool for self understanding is The Enneagram. That’s the one I’ve found most helpful. There are 9 main types, but lots of subtypes. Have you tested yourself using that tool?

Good to see you using the steem platform in a casual way.

I also like "free writing", sometimes I'm embarrassed but overall I find it useful for reflecting and ironing out ideas that were kind of cloudy. Plus cool to have a blog inscribed onto blockchain.

I just did the test and I'm a INTP like your girl.

Sounds like you get along. I usually like smart girls too it's great when you can have a deep conversation.

Hello Ned,

I just wanna thank you about this simple though : finding people with the same NT profil to get happier relashionships !

I never though about using my profil in an other space than work and even there it was more a tool to understand myself than to plan how to work & interact with others.

Have a great day,

By the way, we definitively would like to talk to each others especially because I'm also an ENTJ (and we are a really small part of the world).

Myerbriggs eh 🤔🤔... ok, ned.

Since learning about Myers Briggs I'm a lot more curious about peoples personality types, although I not necessarily wanting to stereotype them and put them into different buckets.

But that sure does help sift through the numbers.

I'm an INTP and suspect the 'E' and the 'I' would prevent long meaningful discussions between us.

Talking with an Extrovert tends to drain an Introverts battery really quickly, although I'm fortunate enough to have a little 'E' energy in me from time to time too. But it comes at a cost and it's not sustainable.

So would we have an interesting conversation?

I'm sure we would but I much prefer to spend my time with 'fun' people and to be brutally honest, your public profile suggests you are just 'Mr. Business' around here.

Boting thanks you

i think we would. i'm an (last time i did the test, oh let's see over 10 years ago) INFP. i also felt like i didn't quite belong and am "the black sheep" of the family. i enjoy talking with people who are receptive and where there's a real resonance. i learned to debate from my father (whom i disagree with on most things political/economic) and don't enjoy debates, though i can do it. i'd rather have softer open conversations, with vivre, but open to actually listening. we'd probably get along and i'd enjoy having a talk with you.

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