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RE: How MyersBriggs Brings Me Joy

in #gathering7 years ago

Basically, it's fun and interesting, but not psychological science. I'm an INFP, and I'm a Leo - both are things where I can see aspects of myself, but neither are scientific in nature. Another point on M-B, is that people flip on it: I used to be an extreme extrovert, now I'm an extreme introvert. Personality is not static.The piece on the show continues, but isn't available on YouTube,so I will give you this article. Basically, it hasn't been measured and proven accurate. It's prominent because of money - it makes lots.


“Flaws” in MyersBriggs or people’s semi-fluid scores do not disprove it as an objective grounds for understanding our personalities. Horoscopes are an entirely different thing: they do not provide objective baselines for analysis as they test us for literally nothing other than our birth dates. Stick with MyersBriggs to gain any real insights about personal interactions.

The fact that it suits you as an anecdotal success is, really, little more than astrology and general cold reading, just digitized. Anyone can give an incredibly detailed essay yon your personality by doing little more than giving a second glance, just see Derren Brown's incredible cold reading trick that blows them all away as proof.

When you answer questions like 'yes I like to be alone' 'I find myself in my own world' 'i don't like to work under pressure' and 'I prefer to take a back seat' - It's hardly a surprise that the results come back saying

'You are somebody who likes to be in their own world, unless there are some external sources of pressure. Typically you prefer to take a back seat in these matters'

From there it's not hard to extrapolate with high probability of success that:

You are a creative individual who applies this in all aspects of life, from work to relationships and even the bedroom. You prize loyalty but try not to push this agenda, giving friends the freedom they usually desire from your intense love of the search for knowledge around you

And so on. The intent may have not been to trick people, but the outcome is little more, at the end of the day.

There's no actual new insight being reported in the test, it's just structuring your own thoughts about yourself that you manually input, into lengthy paragraphs - which is nice in its own way (Mine was basically 100% accurate when I tried it as an INTP and helped me explain my weirdness to some people) but it is important to accept that it's not much more than hocus pocus in its methodology.

Because of this, more importantly, one should not let the test define you. as many people do. By looking at it agreeably and unconditionally, a person is subject to establish themselves as that for life, but as others have pointed out, we are more complicated than that. My sister was once an extreme extrovert and now she is far more in line with introversion. Almost everybody who takes the test gets a different result six months later precisely because environmental experiences, surrounding friends and more changes us over time.

One might find the perfect INTP woman, but if they are made to believe the love is because she's INTP, when she inevitably shifts to, say, ENFJ, they;re going to resent the change and everything will fall apart - because the person in this story has defined them on faith as one state of personality.

Remember, you are not JUST 80% Introverted, for example. You are also 40% Extraverted. You are not only 77% ENFJ, you are 70% ENTP, 30% ESFJ, 56% INTP and so on. it only takes a little nudge in life experience to change you from ENFP to ENTP in this example.

But again, there's no legitimate science behind it - lots of reading on the subject out there and I think there are some modern alternatives that may be more legit

I'm glad it makes you happy.

I used to mull over these theories and instruments a lot about 20 years ago. Despite my somewhat sceptical attitude towards measuring and operationalizing these concepts, sometimes you meet people who seem like walking and talking textbook examples of the types or temperaments. Bloggers on Steem cannot help but expose their tendencies over time. I don't think I've ever met anyone who comes off as purely NF having a mixed bag of NFP and NFJ traits as @tarazkp, for example, who is IMHO a model community builder here. There are lots of NT types here. I would imagine Steemians to be heavily biased towards N at this stage.