Hello friends, nowadays everyone is busy in their work, that's why fatigue remains throughout the day, some are tired of their office, they remove their fatigue with tea, this coffee, they do a lot to get refreshed nowadays, they We also go for a walk, but only five minutes can remove your fatigue, with the help of yoga easy, we get energy, it makes our body strong, only you should have some yoga knowledge.
The first asana is Tadasana, for this asana, you have to stand with the help of your feet, you have to stand straight, interlock all the fingers of both the hands, and while filling your sanka, you have to rise above your head, keep your feet on your toes. It has to happen, it increases your energy, after some time you have to bring down the hands while leaving the breath, you can do this one to two times in the beginning,
There is such a pranayama, it can be done easily from small to big, in this you have to keep your nostril pressed with the thumb of the left hand, and inhale 10 times through the right nostril, in which you do Surya Pranayama, this yoga is our make the body healthy,
The third easy is your Nataraja posture, this asana is to be done by standing straight, in which the right leg has to be taken back, then you have to rise above the ground, then bend your knee and move it towards the toes of the foot, the left hand You have to get up from the side too, before doing this asana, you should know about it, this asana can be difficult too.
There are some asanas, in which it is very difficult to meditate, but the Mooladhara Chakra is also a power source, only you have to keep the Kundalini Shakti, it is most important to meditate on this chakra, it affects your brain, in which your laziness Removes, and creates new thinking, this yoga gives you new life along with your body energy.
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Enjoy your Monday. A healthy lifestyle is one that helps maintain and improve your health and well-being.
Have a Nice Day.
Good advices!!!