Sometimes, this place feels like a dead zone. I wonder how much of the voting is done by personal bots and curation trails and how much is manual curation. Lots of votes, but not many comments makes me think that high numbers on a post don't mean that a lot of people saw your content.

Could you imagine losing your car keys in a place like this?

I'm doing my part to maintain consistency here on Hive. I try to put out at least one good post a day even if nobody reads them.
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Adore some of this urbex stuff.. really pisses me off when you see places just trashed, for the sake of trashing it...
I like dereliction and natural degradation, not arseholes just trashing and/or setting fire to places for fun..
We had an old RAF Base not a million miles away from us and the old officers mess was a fantastic place to shoot in, until wankers set fire to it.. its now unsafe.

I have so much urbex to share so stay tuned for plenty more! I'm the same way when it comes to trashing the place. I can't begin to understand how someone feels they have the right to trash someone else's place. I shot at this abandoned mansion shortly before it caught fire. The carelessness hurts my heart.
Your photo above reminds me of this photo that I took.
It's probably not carelessness. It's wanton vandalism
I think you are right, I am still doing the manual work!!
You're awesome!
HIVE is too small; if there were many more bloggers and eg.. Urbex had 20-30 consistent writers then you would find the communities more vibrant. I do comment on the Urbex content, most of the time.
As it stands, its too general, and some of the stuff I vote is because I know these people, and have met them in some cases. It's not ideal but that's the way it is.
I try and get people from the FB Urbex scene but even dangling the carrot is not working. They still love their work to have no rewards, and the big audience is more important.
Do you have discord? I have some ideas I'd like to share with you and can help grow this community if you're interested.
I am on discord, Slobberchops#1555