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RE: Knock, knock.

in #gems5 years ago

Adore some of this urbex stuff.. really pisses me off when you see places just trashed, for the sake of trashing it...

I like dereliction and natural degradation, not arseholes just trashing and/or setting fire to places for fun..

We had an old RAF Base not a million miles away from us and the old officers mess was a fantastic place to shoot in, until wankers set fire to it.. its now unsafe.


I have so much urbex to share so stay tuned for plenty more! I'm the same way when it comes to trashing the place. I can't begin to understand how someone feels they have the right to trash someone else's place. I shot at this abandoned mansion shortly before it caught fire. The carelessness hurts my heart.

Your photo above reminds me of this photo that I took.

It's probably not carelessness. It's wanton vandalism