Sunday Morning in Media Park

in #gems5 years ago (edited)


Ain't no benches in Media Park. Tree root will do. Sit a while. Hear the hummingbird chirp amidst the other birds call. Nope, it's a different bird, similar chirp. The fella in the tent by the sidewalk just didn't want you to see him duck in. What did the jogging person think when the tent fella started running beside her. Then he stopped and waved his baton. Bicycle gang rolls by, wonder where I can get a bell. They all hot bells. Is this a thing today? Google what's up with bicycle gangs in Culver City today. Culver City shoppers are up and in line. No mask, no shoes, you get the picture. The theater is closed. The theaters are all closed. The park in front it's doors are open. The park where the Shakespeare played. There's no Shakespeare today. Just the shadows in the light.






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