Little cuckoo 2 pics

in #gems5 years ago (edited)

I walk along the river bank. I hear someone squeaking in the bushes. I came closer and saw that a small cuckoo was sitting on a branch. He grabbed a tree branch with his paws and squeaks all the time. I did not stand for a long time and noticed that two small light yellow birds were jumping on the branches nearby. I looked closely and saw that these were warblers.
I moved a little further away from the cuckoo and immediately one chiffchaff flew up to the cuckoo and thrust something into its open beak.
I realized that the cuckoo had planted its egg in the warbler's nest. The warbler raised this little cuckoo, although it was already twice the size of the warbler.
Penochka probably thought it was her chick and therefore dragged him food.
It was very difficult to feed such a large chick for the warbler. She tirelessly dragged the cuckoo of various insects.
I watched the cuckoo and the chiffchaff for quite a long time. The feeding process itself was very interesting.




Nice photo :)

Many thanks. I'm glad you like it.

Ооо! Кукушонок! Ни разу не видел мелких кукушат вживую. Да, пеночки являются частыми жертвами этого гнездового паразита.