The un-enlightenedness of the whole gender pronoun thing is disturbing.
Our bodies are nothing more than the point of resonance that our bit of cosmic consciousness has been linked to. They are simply the vehicle that allows our speck of cosmic consciousness to interact with the physical world.
They are the cosmic equivalent of a car.
Cosmic consciousness (aka the soul) does not have a sex or gender. In this realm we are all the same.
The sole purpose of names and pronouns is to facilitate interaction. Thus the term "I am called" is a better fit than "I am."
Getting far too tightly identified with our bodies represents spiritual regression, not advancement. It is to be expected from a society that has eschewed spirituality (thinking that in so doing it is shunning religion -- unfortunately, those are two very different things...), because all that is left once a greater existence is rejected is the physical world.
Thus the physical world becomes the center of existence, and physical institutions and physical issues occupy the portion of our consciousness that otherwise would be occupied by an awareness of and reverence for the greater existence that surrounds us and that our consciousness emanates from.
As long as we understand through the use of names who we intend to interact with, who cares about the specifics of those names?
So it boils down to, are you one of those uptight folk who get mad if people mispronounce your name or don't add your title properly? Or are you an easy going person who realizes that we are all in this together and cuts people slack as long as they mean no harm?
People getting uptight about gender pronouns are unfortunately the former.
You can believe all you want. Nobody is denying this right. Forcing it by law is what is disturbing.
They force because they believe it is vital, but they only believe it is vital because they have lost sight of the bigger picture.