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RE: Deleted

in #geneeverett4 years ago

Ah man. This is terrible... at some point you have got to wonder what they are thinking and if they see the bigger picture for the social environment here on Hive.

Are you sure you are all above board? Everything’s squeaky clean right?!

Why in gods green earth would they systematically do this? None of this is making sense and I have noticed quite a lot of this lately too.

Hang in there @geneverett and hopefully we can get some answers sooner rather than later...


Oh for sure. Social Capital goes a long way especially in a crisis.

So I’m sure that you’ve been racking your brains... but do you have any idea why they would downvote initially to zero out your post... and then readjust the downvote to zero it out again⁉️

This is very concerning! That’s why I’m asking about this...

They have just been doing what they do without explanation and that, in itself is unfriendly and not good for Hive in the long or short of it... so that is also why I’m asking.

If you are to fully recover through the use of social capital and the communities opinion on the matter your going to have to be untouchable. Squeaky clean! 🧼

Is there anything they might be reacting to other than voting on something you liked on the 6th day? (Which I think is perfectly fine as you are within the directive of the blockchains code.)

But yeah... if we are going to dig our way out of this downvote mess... we are going to have to form public opinion by informing them fully.

You gotta help us fully understand the situation so that we can all fully help out wherever it’s needed.

You’ve been here a long time... so I think getting to the bottom of this is one of those things that you’ll be better off doing sooner rather than later!

Right now you have social capital and people’s ears on your side... but it won’t always be that way...

Unfortunate I don’t think that this is the sort of thing that you can pretend hasn’t happened and just try to go about your regular blogging activities as you normally would.

I’m doing my best to highlight this situation where I can... but let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help with this situation. 🙂

I’m hanging 👍 and thank you for taking an interest. I agree with you like if I didn’t have friends here from being here since 2017 I’d have no voice after this. I wonder how many have left due to this kinda stuff. Well gonna take it easy today. Let’s touch base soon friend🙏

Still doing it to me also. I tried to stay clear seeing getting upset didn’t do my buddy Gene any favors but this is really frustrating. I see they are still as of hour ago doin it to Gene also. Just sucks man. I wanted to add to the podcasting 2.0 community. This is just not worth it. I’m going to suggest to the podcasting 2.0 guys we discuss doing a fork of the chain for a podcasting 2.0 chain focused project.

See... this is exactly the outcomes that unfriendly actions on the blockchain result in... collectively we are strong. Fragmented and isolated we are weak.

I know that your feeling frustrated right now... but trust me when I say that change is coming! Hive is going to default to positive and it’s going to have to soon because this is REALLY hurting the price of our Token and our reputation in the wider crypto community.

Hive, in its current state, isn’t marketable no matter what sort of brilliant marketing minds are hard at work... so we have got to continue to trust that the community will wakeUP and realize this... and take certain actions (like @Comet.Ranker) to be a catalyst to those ends!

Always remember... positive action is 10X what any negative action can produce.

I believe that we are much much closer to change than we think we are... and so I implore you to stay with and continue to trust the Hive Community.

We have so many good people here... and I know that a collective response is in the works. I can feel it.
