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RE: Geoengineering : Chemtrails are Raining on my Parade

I almost wish I didn't know

... is a though that often comes to my mind. But then I remind myself, that it's onto us to change things and get things right. Isn't that the reason why we have came to this state of physical being, to experience physicality on all levels? It seems sometimes rude that other do harmful things to the environment and to us and our loved ones, and others even don't notice or don't believe. But that's all right, it's their own decision.

We can change the circumstances only by changing ourselves in being a good example to others. And isn't it incredible, that your daughter not only knows about chemtrails, but also is clever enough to build a bridge between chemtrails and ecological farming!

You can except your sadness as an emotional state of you as a person, but it you don't have to identify with this feeling, your inner being, your higher self is quite unimpressed by negative emotions.
You could except the feeling of sadness and helplessness as part of you and then let it go. See that you are not helpless, you've already done a great thing, you told others about it, your family and friends, this post, etc.
The your feeling influence your state of being. That's the law of resonance and the law attraction. you attract what you already are. When you're sad you attract more sadness.
So please, get back on your mighty throne, straighten up and adjust your crown!
Love, Unity & Abundance