My friends, I’d like to blame the way I feel on so many things. Writing until all hours of the night leaving me exhausted; allergies; children being… children. The truth is, I’m just sad today.

This is all I’ve been seeing lately, in the skies over our home. There were none for a minute, I'm not sure exactly how long, but a few days at least. Long enough for me to take a deep breath and say, wow… maybe it’s not that bad. Maybe chem flu isn’t really real. Maybe they did a little cloud seeding for rain but really, Geoengineering won’t result in the destruction of the PLANET or anything, right?
and then…

It's every day right now. I understand that I’ve just gotten started on this journey and that I haven’t really scratched the surface of what's going on. I barely understand the technology used to create chemtrails. I haven’t even explored the part where we figure out how to stop this, and so my bone-deep sadness isn’t productive. I don’t enjoy emotions or thoughts that are consuming and not productive. I like to dig and learn and then act. I’m finding that difficult to do right now.
From the Mouths of Babes
I started feeling this way yesterday, as I pulled into my driveway bringing my kids home from school. My eldest daughter is 11 and has started to understand that chemtrails are not normal, that there are dangers they represent. She pointed the ones over our home and then asked, 'is organic food really organic, if that stuff is falling on it?' I didn't know what to say. Suddenly so much seemed ... pointless.

I wish
I almost wish I didn’t know. Not really, but do you know what I mean? I almost wish I didn’t have to look up, didn’t have to worry, to fight… I wish that people were who they say they were and that no one was out to hurt anyone else. That none of us were in danger from the entities we have been taught are here to help us.
I wish I knew for sure how to ensure the health and safety of you and yours. I wish I knew how to protect her...

As I read and searched and read more, I tried to find my passion and my rage and finally had to admit that I’m a little down. Don’t worry, I promise not to let myself stay here long. Just for the moment, however, I’m going to give myself some grace and go ahead and feel sad.
Thanks for being on this journey with me.
all pics taken by me or my husband on our Nexus 6 phones
What you can do: Stay awake .. Don't get burned out, take breaks when every you need but be diligent. The solution is the awareness in the population. The few that can actually do something about it directly need the support of the population to come and defend them. The also need pressure to do something. They can't do it alone, we need everyone. And if that is failing .. you can always move ..
I couldn't agree more. We need to keep sharing our knowledge and working together to find solutions. We need to hit an awareness tipping point. That is not necessary a number or a % of people although I have heard some pundits state that when 5% are awake and willing to fight (not physically) for their liberties and demand change that we may be able to effect significant change. It can be frustrating at times but that is where some rest, and not getting burned out as you say comes into play. That is still a work in progress for me but I'm getting better at it.
Thank you for your supportive comments! You see @bethalea, you are not alone! We'll get that fixed!
i agree stay vigilant and just keep posting. thats what i am doing.
Hey @jamesc... your support and words have meant so much to me these last few days. The love I've gotten from this entire community has been overwhelming. This post was obviously emotional, and knowing that there are so many of us out here and that so many understood how I felt has been amazing.
As for moving, I have ideas ... 😉
Here are my recommendations .. Good if you check into these and if you like them you can help by adding a few references in your posts so people who want to know more know where to start..
Book "Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project"
Why in the World Are They Spraying?
What in the World Are They Spraying?
These are fantastic, thanks @jamesc!
This shows the arrogance of a government gone mad. But, they get away with it because; we do nothing. Maybe if a few planes got shot down... Apparently, they were spraying in Cuba until their air force went after them..
Wow i was just thinking about that the other day. Whether they spray in Vuba and Venezuela.
I'm not sure, @paulamery. I've heard about trails in a lot of places around the world, but I can't remember about those specifically. I'll have to ask!
hey @destinyworldwide, thats crazy! You don't happen to have any links about what happened, do you? I'd love to check it out. Thanks!
No, it's something someone told me years ago, but she is reliable.
Hello, I'm Micah. I know about chemtrails too and it's bad where we are. I think it's worse close to town. Sometimes we see one jet with contrail and another with chemtrail and sometimes just chemtrails from 3 or 4 jets. My mom and dad don't want us playing outside when it's thick.
What are chem trails made of?
Toxic stuff such as aluminum and barium that can cause serious damage to your nervous system.
Geoengineering Watch is a good site to read if you're interested
How many airline pilots do you know? I know a couple personally and they would never poison people with chemtrails. I doubt you know what they are in reality.
I know pilots too. I also know a few airline mechanics but that doesnt mean they are supposed to know about governement and military operations. They have no clue very much like you and most of the public. But with a little curiosity and desire for truth you can find out FACTS instead of making acusations about other people just speculating in what they believe they are.
I haven't had the chance to watch this yet, (it's next on my list!) but I trust this site and Dane Wigington to do their research...
And I also don't think that every pilot is spraying harmful chemicals into the air; however it is happening and I believe we have the right to know what exactly it is and why.
They started to cloud seed here in las vegas after two weeks of clear blue sky. May you have a bless day @bethalea
thanks @gamainvegas. keep looking up!
What white line it is?
they're called 'chemtrails' which some people confuse with 'contrails'. Check out this video...
and thanks for being interested!
Hey, sorry you're bummin. Everyone deserves a good wallow now and then though :) I saw this earlier today and wanted to share:
Ahh that was only half of it! The rest... your daughter is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!
::mind blown::
lol, thanks for the support and yeah, my kids pretty sharp. ;)
It sure has been crazy since the towers fell huh?
Yea .. more like the 1950s though!
Hey james said, this stuff has been in the works for a looong time. but things didn't get easier after those towers, you're not kidding.
Today My sister asked me the same as being a doctor my self I can feel your thoughts......My suggestion to you is that you must take some breaks and try to stay near greenery!! You can't do anything alone! But only possible with the help of community!
Daily try to do something against pollution, I know this is not going to make a big change but sure it will be a first step.
Hi there, @sam-billings! Thank you for your kindness and understanding, I appreciate the great ideas and suggestions!
Doing something against pollution is a big first step. Not an easy step, though! That would also include abstain from meet and dairy, all kinds of plastic and so on.
Perhaps it would be also good to get rid of the pollution in our bodies and our heads. Getting into a meditative state of mind and not let negative energies pollute our auras.
Good post
Nice post
I totally agree about the "chemtrail sickie" epidemic lately. My husband and I recently took a trip to Colorado Rockies to ski and two straight days on top of the mountains there was a slew of chem trails. I told him, "I bet one of us will be sick when we get home." Guess what? The entire 2017 year our fam jam didn't even have a single sniffle or evidence of illness and the first day back from vacation I came down with a fever and cold. Blah! I blame it on the population control trails flying through our friendly skies.
hey there @sending-arrows! I'm sorry you got sick, but I really appreciate you sharing your story! Blech!!
I'm back in action after a day. Thanks though for the concern and for the article. Agree 100% with you.
sometimes it would be better to believe in science and not in myths of chemtrails
What do we do? I was going crazy when i first found out, I was telling everybody about it, even strangers....and then what we do? When i did my research, looks like we do not even know who is doing it, cause they hid their trails so well. Makes me so mad! what right do they have? So sad...feel so hopeless
i feel like what I can do is to help keep us all talking about it, at least right now. I'm still trying to figure out what more to do, but from what I gather, so very few people 'believe' that these chemtrails are real and further, dangerous, we need to get them more information so they can start questioning and fighting, too.
Keep questioning! They can't hide if we all keep asking more and different questions!
I had to hug my wife for feeling the same way.
My thoughts are with you as they are with everyone who feels the same.
Hey Sean... I'm glad your wife has you to hug her when she's feeling low, it means the world. Thanks for your support and for being a part of this community.
We all need to support each others efforts, the stuff i'm finding out is genuinely starting to frighten me. If this keeps up it will be her giving me a hug.
Keep in touch
How its so awesome to see other people talking about chem trails and not being ridiculed or mistreated. Whenever i talk about the constant spraying over Denver people act like im totally nuts. How can you deny something you just have to look up to see?
on that other side not long ago!!Hey @paulamery! I'm constantly surprised at how many positive comments I receive from these posts. Even when someone disagrees, they more than often are respectful about it. I'm always up for looking at the other side of an issue... in fact, I was
Thanks for being here and for being awake, even in the face of mistreatment and ridicule. I hope that happens less and less! Keep strong!
Thank you for spreading truth ill be resteeming ome of your posts today! Hope you and your fam are feeling better.
Well, you certainly have a good following here. Almost everyone has heard about it by now and most just reject it for mental health reasons.
The best example I have was when I was sailing a Shell oil Exec's yacht across the Atlantic we had plenty of time to talk. I could take my time and be very articulate until one day he just said " Look Cody, I can't believe this, Because if I did...I would have to do something about it! "
Best answer I ever got exposing conspiracies, He wasn't head of a Shell division for no reason. LOL
do nothing. I just can't.hey @codypanama... dang, you're not kidding. That's EXACTLY it, and how I kinda wished I could do for a few days... I can't be faced with these facts and also
Like I tried to explain before, you have only scratched the surface with chemtrails. May I suggest a documentary By James Corbett ?
Should give you some insights into how these things get accomplished. Medicine is far more deadly than breathing aluminum ( which has long term affects ) Medicine destroys us much faster and sometimes it's instant. they pay out Billions per year in damage claims! But it's kept quite secrect. I just heard the other day 9/11 caused something incredible in the skies over the US when no planes were allowed to fly for a week? But was half asleep and forget the details.
There is something you might want to look into? Good evidence :-)
... is a though that often comes to my mind. But then I remind myself, that it's onto us to change things and get things right. Isn't that the reason why we have came to this state of physical being, to experience physicality on all levels? It seems sometimes rude that other do harmful things to the environment and to us and our loved ones, and others even don't notice or don't believe. But that's all right, it's their own decision.
We can change the circumstances only by changing ourselves in being a good example to others. And isn't it incredible, that your daughter not only knows about chemtrails, but also is clever enough to build a bridge between chemtrails and ecological farming!
You can except your sadness as an emotional state of you as a person, but it you don't have to identify with this feeling, your inner being, your higher self is quite unimpressed by negative emotions.
You could except the feeling of sadness and helplessness as part of you and then let it go. See that you are not helpless, you've already done a great thing, you told others about it, your family and friends, this post, etc.
The your feeling influence your state of being. That's the law of resonance and the law attraction. you attract what you already are. When you're sad you attract more sadness.
So please, get back on your mighty throne, straighten up and adjust your crown!
Love, Unity & Abundance
I've known about the sprays since about 2009. Tried at first writing letters to the government-newspapers etc. Signed petitions and went to demonstrations handing out videos etc. They are still doing it. Went out side this morning and it got me really down seeing what they are doing.How the masses still believe that our governments and the corporations have our best interests in their hearts. Reading what you wrote here reminded me that there are still people waking up and that there are others who can 'see'.
I wanted to resteem this but I can't see the resteem button?
Very beautiful photos my friend! Now I gave you my vote! Will you give me your vote in one competition... You just have to write a coment.. my smile is Number #106 will you help me :) thank u