Chemtrails: The Truth And The Conspiracy Theory

If you want to have confidence in yourself, and the knowledge you have,
you must take the initiative, in learning.
I made a comment a while back on a post about "chemtrails".
There are a small number of people, who when they hear this term,
are triggered, and seemingly, involuntarily, start saying,
"debunk, debunk, debunk", like a wind-up toy, or a dog humping air.
Don't worry about these fakers.

I have also been asked, by people, more sober and serious
about this issue to publish my findings.
After some thought, and a 1500 mile move, I have come to the conclusion that,
from what the evidence says, taken 1500 miles apart,
it would be irresponsible of me to tell people that,
what I have found locally, is what should be expected everywhere.

Here is my recommendation. Start with René Descartes.
If you are reading this, on the internet, you can find out who he was.
Don't try to learn too much all at once. Try 5 minutes per day, for the first month.
As you gain knowledge, you will gain confidence.
Eventually, when you learn your way to a point where your curiosity takes over,
and it will, the learning will have become habit, and should inspire action.
This action, is the experiment part.

The spectrum of sunlight is a known thing.
Prisms have been used for hundreds of years.
You can buy spectroscopes on amazon, fairly cheaply.
Have you seen weird colored rainbows?
Maybe, you have seen rings around the sun,
that don't look like they're the right color to be caused by water ice crystals.
These were the things that tipped me off. Check it out for yourself.

There is a funny thing about science. If you can understand how to measure,
and how to interpret the data, you don't need experts or "authorities".
Spectroscopes are how astronomers can tell what the composition
of clouds in space, or atmospheres around bodies in space are,
as long as they know the spectrum of light coming through.

Endless speculation about something that you may not have enough
of an understanding of physics to comprehend, helps no one.
Do the learning yourself and do the tests yourself
and it won't matter who makes fun of you.
I did and now I know how to detox myself for exactly the things that I found.

Please, do not get caught up in believing in speculation
about things which you cannot prove.
Learn what you need, to protect yourself.
Don't worry about people who deny the evidence of their senses.

We are way past denying or making fun of this.
Here is CIA director, John Brennen, at the council on foreign relations,
talking about "stratospheric aerosol injection"
anyone who doesn't think this is real now, is in denial or just stupid.



I have known many skeptics that have really warmed up to Geoengineering (ha ha). I get the impression people naturally accept this if you give them a little space and time. However, most wake up just enough to recognize it and to respect material on the topic. For someone to become active in doing something about it, now that is the real challenge.

Decades of acceptance and rational believe does nothing to stop it. In fact, one must sit there in fear watching this take place perhaps feeling hopeless to stop it. That is no path to take, it is cowardly and comes at a high price. I recommend to take on the risk of spreading knowledge. Of all things, in the US at least this is the safest thing I can think of. There are other things to do but at least start there. By doing nothing we give in-direct consent to be sprayed. These are toxic man-made materials and they have no business being on the earth, air, and food.

Thanks for posting, I'm following..

when i first started on this, it seemed that no one i knew could even conceive that such a thing could ever happen. i knew, from my 6th grade earth science textbook (circa 1981) that this was a known thing for quite a while. i quickly bored of doing verbal battle with trolls in everyday life, and decided to do whatever i could, by myself, as if i were the only one who would ever be convinced of what i was seeing. first, to confirm that what i was seeing was what i thought it was.
optics have long been an interest of mine. from microscopes to telescopes to all of the electromagnetic spectrum, so, i knew that it could be used to gain the data i needed to begin. i cannot, as of now, confidently speculate on the why and wherefore, but i do have solid evidence that there is something in the sky that can be measured.
until humans started chemically separating aluminum from the earth, there was no free aluminum in the local environment. Al+3 doesn't like to remain free. it is a definite puzzle as to why our skies are now full of the stuff.
at least now it seems there are more people who are questioning. we may get some traction on this soon. i do hope it is soon enough.

Patents are convincing for those that have the good habit of following the money.. Monsanto patenting aluminum resistant seeds was the final thing that convinced my Dad. Apparently Aluminum has 4x the reflective surface area as sulfur (they may try to claim it is still just harmless sulfur). Dane Wigington claims to have many rain water tests that show positive for free formed Aluminum. Apparently many residence on the west coast can find ultra high levels of Barium poisoning in their blood which the doctors can't explain any other way.

Of course the suspicious winter-time halos around the sun and metallic looking reflections perhaps you could add validity to what we are seeing. Any science that people can use in their heads to explain what they are seeing will probably be remembered and repeated more often.

I'm always asked where are these plains coming from. We have some whistleblower testimonial on youtube but I don't have a lot to back that up. This is something I'm interested in, we can't just know about it at some point people need to be confronted.

this is not medical advice.
i, personally, have found, that metal detox can be more hazardous than low level exposure. exposure causes a build up over time. the body does it's best to deal with it. it excretes some, it stores the rest, some by itself, but also with help from the microorganisms that live in us. this is apparently, playing at least some part in the increase in fungal and bacterial overgrowth, that is plaguing many people today. killing these things off too quickly, releases the toxins their overgrowth was meant to control.

excretion can only take place at certain rates. releasing toxins from the tissues faster than the body can remove them is dangerous. the rates can be altered by using binding materials and by altering the modes of excretion. i am working to put together a post containing some of what i have gathered. detoxification seems to be a widely misunderstood subject. i struggle to make sense of all i have found.

i, personally, have experienced symptoms of barium toxicity. i have found relief with epsom salts. i have used them in baths, and even taken a teaspoon with water. this is what i have done. i cannot legally recommend anything to anyone else. i am, as yet, unsure if my improvement was due to the magnesium or sulfur, or both.

i am still researching aluminum. i have found scientific papers describing the use of alfalfa in removing metals, including aluminum, from wastewater. i have also found seaweed(not listed what kind) used for water. what works for wastewater, may not work for humans.

excretion of toxins takes place by kidneys, colon, mucus membranes, tears, hair, nail and skin growth, and sweat. i try to protect my kidneys from any of this. from what i have found, sweating i believe to be the easiest and least dangerous, provided, i don't overheat myself. overheating the brain is dangerous.
far infrared sauna increases sweating without significantly increasing ambient temperature.
i, mostly, use sunlight. this has many beneficial effects for me. it improves my mood and increases my vitamin D sulfate, all the while increasing sweating. i am careful not to burn.

Skeptics can be wrong too just like anybody else. I am a skeptic but I am not arrogant enough to assume I am always right. True skepticism is about keeping an open mind. Disbelieving everything is just a form of negative belief. I think as people start panicking over climate change we will start to see more demands for geo-engineering. That kind of meddling with the climate would worry me very much. We already have some countries doing weather modification - who knows what the unintended effects are of that on the environment. Now take that to a planetary scale and we could end up effing up something very important without even realising it.

By warmed up I mean that absolutely hate it but I'm saying it in a nice way!! Sorry, I should assume the reader gets it..

OK sorry I misunderstood. I thought you were saying people were coming round to the idea!

René Descartes would be my ultimate dinner date guest :)

Excellent little nutshell of a video. I thoroughly enjoyed it :))

amazing addition to the post. thank you.

he is on my A list. i would hope he and i speak similar enough English to communicate. i am sure that he spoke the language of dinner.

I speak fluent French so I'd be just fine :) Oh!...and Polish too ;)

i only speak English and a very rusty Latin. i guess it would be Shakespeare era English. i think i could manage it.

I think we'd be just fine - I'll set the table and you pour the wine.

the only interest he would have in my cooking, would be as a scientific experiment. i've seen some of what you eat, though. i can definitely pour wine.

It has been done in the past and admitted to, so it is at least plausible...but....

They were just scientific experiments to get vital information to protect the American public from new types of warfare. These do not appear nefarious...the only way to lean about this kind of stuff is empirically and secretly. I am not sure who came up with the idea that all aerosolized chemicals look like water vapor. This is the dumbest part to me. The next most stupid belief about it is that commercial airliners have gigantic canisters hidden in them and no one notices. If experiments like this continue today, it is probably by military planes, for a short time, over a small area, using safe chemicals that probably are not even visible to the naked eye.

  • [Confirmed Chemtrail Use]
  • Cloud Seeding : release of silver iodide, dry ice or salt to create precipitation. Technically similar to chemtrails but not part of the 'chemtrail conspiracy', this is included as a distinction of the known primitive 'weather modification' technique. It's here also to demonstrate the motivation, and technical evolution of what would become chemtrails ('what else can we spray?').
  • Operation Big Buzz : Bugs. Big Buzz was a U.S. military entomological warfare field test conducted in the U.S. state of Georgia in 1955. The tests involved dispersing over 300,000 mosquitoes from aircraft and through ground dispersal methods. [U]
  • Operation Dew : Operation Dew refers to two separate field trials conducted by the United States in the 1950s. The tests were designed to study the behavior of aerosol-released biological agents. Operation Dew took place from 1951-1952 off the southeast coast of the United States, including near Georgia, and North and South Carolina.[1][2] Operation Dew consisted of two sets of trials, Dew I and Dew II. Operation Dew I consisted of five separate trials from March 26, 1952 until April 21, 1952 that were designed to test the feasibility of maintaining a large aerosol cloud [of zinc cadmium sulfide] released offshore until it drifted over land, achieving a large area coverage. Dew II involved the release of fluorescent particles (zinc cadmium sulfide) and plant spores (Lycopodium) from an aircraft. Dew II was described in a 1953 Army report which remained classified at the time of a 1997 report by the U.S. National Research Council concerning the U.S. Army's zinc cadmium sulfide dispersion program of the 1950s.
  • Operation Ocean Spray : Bacteria. Operation Sea-Spray was a U.S. Navy secret experiment in which Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii bacteria were sprayed over the San Francisco Bay Area in California. [U]
  • Operation LAC : Operation LAC (large area coverage) was a US army chemical corps operation that dispersed microscopic zinc cadmium sulfide (ZnCdS) particles over much of the United States. The purpose was to determine the dispersion and geographic range of biological or chemical agents. Anecdotal evidence suggests there were adverse health effects--of course mitigated by US gov agency reports which are to be trusted always (911 NIST report, Warren report). The wikipedia article continues, "the use of ZnCdS remains controversial and one critic accused the Army of "literally using the country as an experimental laboratory"". This is solid proof of chemtrails and because of the widespread scope of the dispersal (most of US), chemtrail doubters such as topmind types have no leg to stand on anymore.
  • The Fluorescent Particle Trials : Toxic Metals. A UK Ministry of Defense report included 'The Fluorescent Particle Trials', [in which it] reveals how between 1955 and 1963 planes flew from north-east England to the tip of Cornwall along the south and west coasts, dropping huge amounts of zinc cadmium sulphide on the population. [U]

Fluoride on the other hand has no benefits, lowers your IQ by a few points, is illegal to put in drinks in many nations, and is in most of the US tap water supply due to lobbying from a chemical company. It is far more reasonable to bitch about this. The science on it is public and peer reviewed as opposed to just some declassified documents and fearful speculation.

i try not to speculate too much about things i cannot prove. i KNOW there is aluminum and barium in the sky, because i, personally, have done my own tests. i have no need to pollute the data i collect with assumptions about whether something is nefarious or not. the data speaks for itself. i have no need to try to discredit real data, by calling it dumb, stupid, or trying to make it look ridiculous by saying words such as nefarious, hidden, or fearful. usually, i find that the fearful are the ones who would reject the idea of gathering the data themselves, rather than simply believing what they are told.

i don't bitch about fluoride. i only take measures to protect myself. i don't much care to try to convince people who think that all is fluffy rainbows and yummy lollipops, everything is right with the world, and there are no bad people.

i have read about many experiments from the 50's, 60's, into vietnam, and all the way to today. NASA has even done a few, publicly.

listing experiments from 60 years ago does nothing to explain the data that can be readily collected today, by anyone with an extra $20, an amazon account, and the knowledge to understand what they are doing.

if you believe that nothing is going on today, and the last experiments were in the 60's, you're welcome to. be my guest. i, though, know what i can measure, and am not in denial of the evidence of my senses, or the measurements made by my equipment.

you may benefit by educating yourself about the concept of the strawman, and the ad hominem. these are what are called logical fallacies. there are many more. there is even a list on wikipedia. understanding these are very useful in knowing when you are making an argument that is baseless or founded in demonstrable fact.

The Stoopids is strong with this one.

there are way too many cul-de-sacs in this area. the scientific method will prevail, if people bother to use it.

Once upon a time, on a cold winter day, I went outside and I could see my BREATH!
Once upon a time, in Idaho, it was forty below outside, I was driving my truck, (a semi with a 550hp Cat engine) and it was leaving a CLOUD behind.
It looked just like a ChemTrail....

Imagine that.

When you hear hoofbeats in the night what comes to mind?
Horses or Zebra?

Occam's razor shaves exceedingly close.

i have generally accepted Occam's razor as an admonition to not over complicate things unnecessarily. it is after all, not Occam's Law, more, actually, guidelines.
if the logic, no matter how seemingly sound, disagrees with the data, i'll side with the data.
speculation is sometimes fun, and sometimes useful, but data is king.
if i heard hoof beats where i live, it would probably be someone's TV, and if i were at the nearby zoo, i would have to look to be sure. i haven't seen a horse in a while. i can be certain, however, that i will not round the corner, and find myself face to face with a unicorn.
not all contrails contain aluminum and barium. some of my spectrum readings do.
as i have never left a PERSISTENT contrail from only exhaling, or driving, i am a little hesitant to compare the low altitude, low compression dynamics involving my lungs or a ground vehicle moving at much slower speeds and a much lower altitude, to something on the order of a jet engine at 20,000 to in excess of 40,000 feet.
i am only confident in the actual measurements that i can make.
i don't have to justify, defend, or argue about measurements.
thanks to modern technology and the availability thereof, anyone who wants to can make those at any time.
like encountering the unicorn, i can be certain that, i have never exhaled a cloud of aluminum particles. black swans, however, do exist. i can't know everything, where would the wonder be?
knowledge is power. cheers.

Vapor trails do not make rainbows. I have seen fresh contrails from 30kft that had strange condensation patterns and spectral refraction. I don't know about intentional spraying, except it must be happening in places, based on the myriad of weather control patents, but there is alumina and barium based antirust and antifreeze additives, respectively, and these cause chemically and visibly different trails. not only that but the particulates that fall out to the ground have been measured in many places, places otherwise far from industries, but under major flight paths.

i do hate to disagree with you about the "rainbows" but i have seen this light spectra separation with sunlight passing through vapor trails, and through clouds of substances other than water vapor. make your own observations and measurements, i have. i do not claim to know what any of this means, but i do know the data i have collected is real.

In my post i mentioned that I HAVE left a persistent vapor trail. When it gets twenty to thirty below zero the water vapor in engine exhaust condenses immediately. The time I mentioned it lasted for a couple of hours until the outside temp warmed up some. While that was happening my truck was leaving a trail of white steam behind it. cold is it up there where those jets fly?

did it have aluminum in the trail? or barium? enough compression to thrust a 360 ton plane to 500 mph?

all i'm trying to point out is that a truck on the ground is not a giant plane in the sky. they are different. also, a truck shouldn't be creating a cloud of metal particles in it's wake, any more than a plane should, unless there is something being dumped from it.
data is data, even if a chevy is exactly the same as a 747.
buy your own spectroscope. they're not very expensive.
i did, and now i know the facts, and don't have to rely on conjecture, from the government or the internet..
i did the same thing when fukashima happened. i bought a geiger counter. now i don't have to stress about the fear mongering, i just make sure i have fresh batteries, and if my sensors are not freaking out, i don't worry.
i have found coffee cups and granite counter tops that are more radioactive than anything i've picked up in the air.

data is king.

this is about taking back our power. if we take back the tools that we used to build civilization, we don't have to continue to depend on the questionable honesty of the people who are screwing up our environment and blaming us for it.
i don't want to be stuck believing in fantasies, no matter who is trying to sell them to me, whether it be the government or just someone with a mental illness and an internet connection.
i'm not trying to have an argument. i'm only looking for the facts.

spectrography works by analyzing the know...spectrum?
that's light.
the light given off by something that is incandescent....(that means it's so hot that it glows)

vapor trails are tiny crystalized ice particles. They don't glow with their own light. They reflect sunlight.


you're logical fallacy for today is 'false equivalency'...(compression indeed. aircraft work by the principle of aerodynamic lift...the type of engine they use is irrelevant...geez)

emission and absorption are types of spectroscopy i use here. continuous spectra, which is what you're talking about, is not what i need, other than needing to know the energy that i'm starting with.
emission spectra come from energy being absorbed by matter and then emitted again by the matter. depending on what the matter is, it can only absorb photons of specific energies, and can emit them only in specific bands of the spectrum. this is why it is also called bright line spectra.

reflection and refraction are not the same thing. neither are the absorption and emission that i am talking about.

aircraft WINGS work by the principle of aerodynamic lift. the thrust needed to move the air over and under the wings at different rates, because of the shape of the wing, to create this lift, comes from the motion, created by the thrust, created by the compression of air by the blades in the propeller or jet engine rotor.

this compression is also what creates the conditions that cause contrails to form

and thus concludes our physics lessons for today. cough and geez all you want. yes, this will all be on the test.

we will cover false equivalence in a future lesson.

Director of the CIA (Cocaine Import Agency) supports blocking out the sunlight.

By the way, if you do get through this and see what we are talking about it is much more effective to respect people your trying to educate. They will be more likely to listen to you.

Some people refuse to be educated...facts don't impress them.
Those type of people are fun to mock.

you may,, also, want to make sure that you know more than the person you are mocking.

I mis spoke.
I try to not mock people...just their ideas.
Some are so much FUN to ridicule!!

That divides people though. They best things to stop this that I know of is a union of the people. If look back, there is always a point that I didn't know something or for some reason resisted learning it at that time for some reason. It could be anything, the person may have had a death in the family, distracting relationship, distracting tv (lol). So if I were to mock someone it would be just as if I'm mocking myself. I have all of those genetic traits too.