Zagreb - Chemtrails

in #geoengineering6 years ago

Hello guys, just wanted to share s few photos with you because i want you to accept the possiblity we are being poisoned from the above.

This picture was taken few days earlyer. Namely, i have shown this to my friends but as expected they didn't give a shit, so i decided to share it with you guys. It is truly annoying to be surrounded with fucking sheeps, regardless of they being my frieds.

Does this looks fucking normal to you? Those shameless bastards are not even trying to hide it anymore.

Few hours later:

it can be seen exactly how an extra "cloud" layer prevented the sun's rays from reaching us. Having in mind benefits we get from the sun it becomes so obvious why are they doing this. In accordance with all that I have mantion above, i have decided to begin collecting evidences in order to get a decent explanation from our goverment. Cheers


"i have shown this to my friends but as expected they didn't give a shit, so i decided to share it with you guys. It is truly annoying to be surrounded with fucking sheeps, regardless of they being my friends."

↑↑ I very much agree with this statement.

Sorry you guys are getting sprayed in Kroatia. It is happening in many places worldwide. If you would like to know why, I invite you to check out Kevin Galalae, he explains it pretty well. He has a channel with a treasure trove of information about the depopulation agenda.

Will take a look brotha :)

It's all fun and games until your brain is saturated with aluminum, lithium, strantium, nanoparticles and my favorite barium.
Drink it down with some fluoridated treated waste water and you've got a happy and healthy civilization.
We can't not mention Fukashima. Sssssssshhhhhhhh🤐

True that, but we will manage to find a way.

Great pictures! And now it's raining in Zagreb, everything because of this....

Yep, and all this under the guise of global warming, funny stuff. Thank you for stopping by :)

Yeah but people are stupid and they don't care and that is sad but I hope that something will be different in the future. Cheers :)

Good luck with getting an explanation. They can't explain something they are only "planning" on doing.
They will deny and call you the C word.
Conspiracy theorist
The trees are dying. Our oceans are dying. These maniacs are killing our planet. Selfish, greedy sick bastards. We should consider this an attack against us. Kind of like war.

Your probably getting the rain, they suck out of our drought stricken
This is serious, they control the weather. Look what they did to Houston and Puerto Rico. Those were not natural storms.
400 different species die every day. EVERY DAY! Trees are dying, bees are dying.
Monsantos aluminum resistant seeds.
Our futures depend on this stopping now. We are already past the point of no return.

Great pictures.. Stuff like this, we see in movies. They'll say its global warming but who knows?
I'm just as confused as anybody else