Hello I'm akipponn - get to know me challenge

in #gettoknowme6 years ago (edited)

IMG_2192 1.jpg

(Japanese follows / 日本語は下に)

Get to know me challengeI participate in @anomadsoul's . I was nominated by @skyleap. It's a good chance to write about myself as I haven't done #introduceyourself for more than 2 years ...

I'm a Japanese born in Tokyo and now living in Germany as a mama and as a technical translator/writer. Sometimes I do product design too.

I was used to be a researcher in Informatics and worked as a programmer. I was also an artist and exhibited interactive installations in Tokyo, Paris, Linz, and Karlsruhe. Now I think about coming back to the field with some of my hibernating projects.

As my work and projects are location independent, I enjoy being a part time nomad. I prefer to stay a place mid to long term than just stop for few days to work with locals.

Hello from Albanian TV show

My invoice is not inexpensive but I'm happy to volunteer for interesting projects. It was fun to translate Fundition, Steem based distributed crowdfunding platform. I would like to use the platform in the near future.

Finished Fundition translation

Language related interest might come from my mothers family. My mother is a translator and my grandpa used English to communicate with stuffs on tanker ships. I may not be good at mastering languages but it's one of my hobbies to get to know foreign languages.

A strategy to learn an alphabet / アルファベットを覚える方法

I have a tendency to try to do everything by myself: daily cooking, growing veggies for it, baking bread, sewing my and my daughter's clothes etc. This summer I cut my hair by myself! My goal is to maintain my living by myself as much as I can. I'm good at repairing things too.

Reupholstering an IKEA sofa

The post above is a post I wrote for #NeedleworkMonday. I love this handcraft community and most of Mondays I post something. There are likeminded happy people cheering each other. It's one of the reason I continue Steemit. I found my first Needlework Monday post :)

Needlework Monday - Leafy Baby Blanket

I try to make things by myself based on my curiosity but also because I care about the environment, human right and animal right. I cannot say this loudly as a frequent flyer though ... but I'm interested in designing new life style of AI and autonomous distributed system era. I write about this topic time by time on Steemit.

Designing my work and income

Also I don't like too much competition we have in our daily life ... I want to seek a way we can be more relaxed and don't waste our time for redundant competitions.

Preschool or not

That's about me @akipponn. This summer we got a spot for day care for our daughter from a friend of mine. My partner soon starts working in a company. So I will be more stable. I will work, bake, knit, embroider this winter and start growing seedlings for next summer in February.

I nominate @fusan (sponsor of my SteemFest3 ticket!) and @sho-t from #Japanese and @shanibeer from #NeedleWorkMonday. All are familiar to Steemit and coming to SteemFest3. No stress to participate the challenge as it may take certain amount of time to write this kind of post but I'm happy to read about you before we meet at SteemFest :)

Get to know me challenge@anomadsoulさんのに参加します。@yasu24さんが@skyleapさんにまわったバトンがまわってきました。Steemit にアカウントを作ってから2年、きちんと使い始めて約1年 #introduceyourself もまだだったのでよいきっかけに。ありがとうございます。それでははじまりはじまり〜〜






Fundition の日本語訳が終わりました





上の投稿もそうなのですが、NeedleworkMonday という針仕事コミュニティーにはほぼ毎週参加していて、ほめてほめられのいい雰囲気で、Steemitを続けられている一因です。はじめての NeedleworkMonday の投稿をみつけました。懐かしい!

Needlework Monday - Leafy Baby Blanket

自分であれこれしてみるのは好奇心からでもあるのですが、環境や人権、動物のことも気になるというのもあります。飛行機に乗って旅する私が言えたことではありませんが、持続可能な新しい時代の生活を考えています。Steemit も含め、AI/分散化時代に自分の収入や生活をデザインすることに興味を持っています。





お三方指名ということで、Japaneseでご一緒の @fusan@sho-tさん、Needlework Monday でご一緒の@shanibeerさんを指名します。みなさん Steemit に詳しくて SteemFest3 に来ます。とはいえ書くの結構大変なので no stress です。でも実際にお会いする前にちょっとみなさんについて読めたらうれしいです!


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Hello @spaminator, thank you for letting me know my mistake. It was my misunderstanding about the tag and removed steemit tag from this post. I'll be careful for using tags :)

Hey akipponn! If you would like to make your personal feed contain the most trending media and talking points on the whole internet consider following @coffeebreak and @topicstoday accounts - And welcome to Steem!

Those tails are brilliant :Dwow, I learnt a lot about you, thank you, @akipponn !

Thank you cryptocariad. I'm curious about your "Crypto" part :D

'Cariad' is Welsh for 'love', but it sounds very much like the Spanish 'querida' (via Latin ? very likely).
A secret love for the blockchain ? No.
I thought this platform was a bit different from other social media where it's all about photos and 'achievements'. I often notice that keeping a distance and trying to be secret doesn't work very well here.
In fact, most people upvote specifically those who reveal themselves and their life - their humanity? Besides, in order to 'get on and achieve' I find you really need to come out of your secrecy and frequent Discord channels to make contacts - not all what I expected... TBH I lack energy at the moment :D
Why does it make you curious ?I avoid the tech side as much as I can, @akipponn. I only used 'crypto' in its original sense of 'secret'.

Thank you for explaining the origin of your name, cryptocariad. I like the name more after reading your comment :) The reason I was curious about "crypto" part is probably because I studied informatics/computer science and now write crypto (crypto currency) related articles. So I'm automatically jumping when I see the word :D



Posted using Partiko Android

自分を形容するのって難しいですよね。日本で「XX会社でYYをしている・・・」みたいな自己紹介をする人がいるという笑い話がありますが、では私はなんなのだろうと思って。チャレンジ主催者の投稿に「自分のCV(履歴書)みたいな感じ」とあったこともあり。今のメインの活動は、仕事や趣味もあるものの、子どもを幸せに大きくすることかなと思うと、お母ちゃん w そして私もコメント返信して昼寝します :D

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Thank you @partiko. Seems you are quite popular among Steemit Japanese community. I must give it a try :)


これからも刺激的な記事、楽しみにしていま~す^^ 読んでいなかった過去記事も読ませていただいて、 これまで @akipponnさんのことを知ってるようで、知らなかったことも多く、今更ながら、すごいお方だなぁ~と関心しております。