
Thank you cryptocariad. I'm curious about your "Crypto" part :D

'Cariad' is Welsh for 'love', but it sounds very much like the Spanish 'querida' (via Latin ? very likely).
A secret love for the blockchain ? No.
I thought this platform was a bit different from other social media where it's all about photos and 'achievements'. I often notice that keeping a distance and trying to be secret doesn't work very well here.
In fact, most people upvote specifically those who reveal themselves and their life - their humanity? Besides, in order to 'get on and achieve' I find you really need to come out of your secrecy and frequent Discord channels to make contacts - not all what I expected... TBH I lack energy at the moment :D
Why does it make you curious ?I avoid the tech side as much as I can, @akipponn. I only used 'crypto' in its original sense of 'secret'.

Thank you for explaining the origin of your name, cryptocariad. I like the name more after reading your comment :) The reason I was curious about "crypto" part is probably because I studied informatics/computer science and now write crypto (crypto currency) related articles. So I'm automatically jumping when I see the word :D