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RE: World Cup - Morocco vs Portugal

in #getyerlearnon7 years ago

yes. we were all laughing about that incident as well. It was just a pat on the back but i suppose "old habits die hard" because he hit the ground like he had been shot. I hate that aspect of the sport. I am sure you remember the part where Renaldo was not fouled at all but was calling to the ref to "review the incident" which was absurd because if they had reviewed it, he would have been revealed as a fraud. Now i really wish that they had reviewed it. :)


Yeah...inside the penalty box. The incident where the opponent's knee touch Ronaldo's knee, and he fell like a villain who had been shot in a movie.

  • You keep typing Renaldo instead of Ronaldo

yep, and rather than fix it all to try to make myself look vunderbar i have decided to leave it that way. I have my faults just like anyone else and at least for today I have misspelled the most famous footballer in the world's name. I'm gonna leave it that way and invite the criticism :) Thanks, as always, for your participation.

Haha... you're always welcome.