This was actually a great game and my only disappointment is that Morocco didn't win. Morocco controlled most of the match and I suppose one could look at this game and say they did so because they had to. It was "do or die" for them and unfortunately in the end, they died.

Portugal, due mostly because of their star player Renaldo, encourages me to cheer for whoever they happen to be playing against. I get it, he is considered the best in the world and also happens to be quite good looking but the swerving legs over the ball move that he has when he has the ball..... you can't tell me that wasn't invented to invite free kicks. If you do say so you are either lying or are from Portugal.

Morocco controlled most of the match and faced a side that was constantly falling down anytime they got anywhere near them. I played soccer (football) for nearly 30 years so I understand that this is part of the game but it is an ugly, ugly part of the game that I really wish didn't exist. The whole "diving for the sake of a call" aspect of the game has irritated me for a very long time and well, since Renaldo is the best at it, the teams he plays for reap the rewards.
So it is unfortunate that Morocco is mathematically incapable of advancing to the group stages at this point, and not just because of the fact that Iran is currently at the top of their bracket (despite having both Spain and Portugal in said bracket) because Morocco scored a goal on themselves.
I am unhappy because I hate diving, faking, players that plague this sport to the point where the game isn't even about your ability to play football (soccer) anymore, it is about your ability to pretend to be hurt and roll over multiple times like a salmon out of water, in the hopes of getting a call that could maybe result in a goal.
I believe Portugal is one of the worst, if not the worst, country in the world for this and will therefore be cheering for any team they play against for the remainder of the tournament.

this is how he lines up for the match at the start, just to get the other team associated with what position he will be in for a vast majority of the game
If you are Portuguese or love Renaldo, i am sorry because I don't want to offend anyone. In the meantime I will be watching every Portugal game henceforth because I sincerely want them to lose because I think Renaldo is an a$$hat.
PS. I am aware of the fact that I have misspelled Ronaldo's name numerous times (all of them?)
Correction: Ronaldo
The Moroccan players really played well. It's quite unfortunate they couldn't win despite their good efforts. It is also disturbing that footballers are gradually turning into actors. I couldn't stop but laugh hard when after a Morocco player tapped the shoulder of a Portuguese player, then all of the sudden he dropped to the floor pretending like he had been fouled very hard. It's like they have forgotten about the hi-tech cameras in position to get avoid wrong calls. It's sad an African country was the first to exit the tonament. We need more of football and less of acting.
yes. we were all laughing about that incident as well. It was just a pat on the back but i suppose "old habits die hard" because he hit the ground like he had been shot. I hate that aspect of the sport. I am sure you remember the part where Renaldo was not fouled at all but was calling to the ref to "review the incident" which was absurd because if they had reviewed it, he would have been revealed as a fraud. Now i really wish that they had reviewed it. :)
Yeah...inside the penalty box. The incident where the opponent's knee touch Ronaldo's knee, and he fell like a villain who had been shot in a movie.
yep, and rather than fix it all to try to make myself look vunderbar i have decided to leave it that way. I have my faults just like anyone else and at least for today I have misspelled the most famous footballer in the world's name. I'm gonna leave it that way and invite the criticism :) Thanks, as always, for your participation.
Haha... you're always welcome.
Absolutely agree! I watched the whole match and I rooted for Morocco as soon as I saw their spirit. They were pretty good technically actually and were fighting till the last second! I so wish they won!
I respect your opinions and love your posts @gooddream. But you cannot call anyone like that or criticize them. I know you ve got some different opinions but i love ronaldo and still respect others like messi neymar e.t.c. well i understand u don t like him. Its okay with many people and i don t mind. I still enjoy your posts.😆😆😆. Keep hating voz that will make him unstoppable. Please enjoy there game dont compare them.
i even spelled his name wrong too. i will not correct it because i deserve negative criticism for getting that wrong. I knew i would be facing a tough crowd by having an opinion about football but hey! we can take it right? Thanks for reading and for your response :)
...multiple times like a salmon out of water... lol. You are awesome. Thank you for your sharing.
Lol, it is Ronaldo not Renaldo 😊
yep i agree with you in everyway, Ronaldo is the world best player and personally for me, my favorite player because of his skill, talent and zeal, sometimes i wonder who i would have supported should he had faced my country😄, guess Ghana not making it to the world is relieving in this instance, anyway his diving and exagerration skills are just on point, not fair though but if u get close to this player ur giving his team a free kick he may just score too😬, lets see what happens next in his subsequent games
oh that is terrible that i made that mistake in spelling. earlier today i misspelled Colombia 16 times but corrected it before anyone noticed. I will leave this one the way it is, because we all have our faults. Thank you for pointing that out to me though.
Ghana is my most hated football team of all time as they have eliminated my team from the world cup twice. :P
Lol, that's one thing I don't like about Ronaldo as a person, he's a very fantastic player, but he dive so much, the other like him is Neymar, he can fall with a wind blowing around him too... Lol
Messi is more of a determined player than the too of them. Though, all players do it to get advantage over their opponents, but Messi is a bit real than the other two... Lol
Why will you hate Ghana because they eliminate you team twice aahh 😎😎, well talking about the game morroco really play a better football than the Portuguese side, and I feel really sad seeing players faking injury just to gain advantage over other players . Ronaldo disappointed me with his fake acting on the pitch @gooddream
Oh really u mean u hate this man. He is a living legend. Your point of view stands aside but apart being Messi's other star footballers fan, of u are a football loving person than u need to appreciate. Doing such for his club and carrying his national team alone. If it would take be for Ronaldo Portugal would've been out of the world cup earlier on. You've to do these minor things like appealing for a foul to win a penalty for your team. It is for the team it selfish. This isn't called unfair play. Common @gooddream start praising the good things. That is when others will value me. Don t take me wrong I Dont offend u dude but try to state honest opinions. #Futbol fan😆😆😆
fair enough. I just think the sport would be better if everyone cut the dramatic play and just relied on their abilities. Ronaldo is good without the cinematics but eveyone knows that he is a drama-queen and gets good set pieces based on his ability to fall down in just the right place. I would appreciate him more if he would just play instead of spending most of the match looking for just the right place to fall down.
Good game. Morocco was being too selfish and not passing enough, and when they did it was sloppy crosses. Overall, was a great game. And Ronaldo yet again proves he is the G.O.A.T
jaaaaaa lo disfrute gracias por compartir
Hi, I agree with you, because for me Ronaldo is a player just to score a goal. The game was very exciting.