Taken (film): this wasn't expected to be a hit

in #getyerlearnon6 years ago

Word has it that when Liam Neeson accepted the lead role in this film he did so because he was looking at his own age and thinking "this is my last chance to be in an action film." He (and the producers) had no idea it was going to be as epic as it ended up being.

i mean come on, that might be one of the best lines in action cinema, ever

The people who were financing this film hadn't intended that it would be a trilogy, nor had Neeson, but based on it's budget this film ended up being one of the highest grossing (proportionally) films of all time.

Have you seen it, because wow! you really should if you have not. It is really something else. Is it over the top and absurd? of course, but that doesn't stop it from being wonderful. It is entertaining from start to finish. However, the potential viewer needs to understand that it is also just a "beat em up" type piece of cinematography and really nothing special happens in-between.

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Liam Neeson went from being a love story actor to being an action star basically overnight with the advent of this film and while it isn't particularly ground-breaking, to suggest that it is not entertaining would be to LIE. This movie is awesome. That being said, the acting aside from Neeson is not very good in the movie and well, you kind of know what is going to happen from the very start.

This movie was intended to make money but i don't think anyone involved ever dreamed that it would make 10 times the investment in the original program and none of the sequels came close to matching this one either.

I can't give this film high marks because well, it is amazing based greatly upon the fact that it wasn't supposed to do as well as it did. That being said: This movie is f**king awesome and great fun to watch.

7 / 10


Genre specialist Luc Besson knew how to write action films for young men. His slew of murderers and killers had been kicking rear ends and taking names in combat, close-quarters and gun play, for years, from his Leon The Professional, through his Nikita franchise, through his Jason Statham career-making "The Transporter" franchise. This dude writes lean mean hard-boiled action flicks that fulfill his core audience's desires.

But "Taken" was a whole other level, expanding a B-movie budget and concept far beyond Besson's core action audience right into the mainstream.

And the ticket to the big time was threefold:

(1) Humanize the protagonist: yes, he's still a kick-ass James Bond style killer, but this time he's old, so maybe he's more vulnerable, and he's a father, so maybe he's more loving and relatable;

(2) Create villains who the audience hate from the real world: Human traffickers are a scourge on this world: there are few villain types we could hate more, and more wish to get their butts kicked;

(3) Instead of the usual action man types, hire a credible Oscar nominated actor, Liam Neeson: there is no doubt it's Neeson's world weary (probably weary from filming George Lucas' prequels opposite a million green screens), lost, lonely, loving, fatherly protagonist that put the shine of this movie and reeled in those audiences.

Consequently, this is one of the best B-movies ever made, a straightforward genre picture, with a preternaturally engaging lead character. up against a diabolically hateful organization, fulfilling the action demands of the picture as well, if not better, than a man twenty years younger.

I have no doubt that Jason Statham thinks about this movie a lot, now that he has turned 50, and says to himself, "thank you Liam, for demonstrating conclusively that 50 doesn't have to be game over for action guys!" :)

I have seen this movie, and I have to say that it has a very good scheme of things. The movie is quite slow at the beginning. However, it rapidly gathers pace. The way the characters are introduced to the viewers is excellent, and it is only when you see Liam Neeson tackling a crazed fan that you would know that he is an excellent choice in the lead role. In fact, Liam carried it off very well. The action sequences are well shot, and you can tell Luc Besson had his hand in this. To this end, the overall film has an excellent pace which keeps the viewers well entertained. It kinda has a similar storyline to that of Man on Fire, so if you are cool with that movie then you will definitely like this. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend you to seeing this.

An absolutely brilliant film! A really enjoyable film, one of my favourites! Made me see Oskar Schindler in a different light! For those that enjoyed this: Taken 2 is a good sequel, but not as good as this one (as many sequels aren't). Neeson has also released other action films and more of him being a BadA

Liam Neeson is obviously the main star in this film, and this has been the stepping stone for him to being cast in other action films. His performance in Batman Begins in 2005 was good, and I was disappointed that it didn't shoot off his action-film career, but I am glad this has! Can't wait to see his film coming out in February (Non-stop) nor see what humor role he has in Anchorman 2 (has anyone else seen that Ricky Gervais video??)

Couldn't ask for a more action-packed-thrill-ride-more-bada film. One of the best out there!

Hi gooddream. The sequels as you rightly state don't come close to this and were a total disappointment. I may watch it again as i have only seen it like 10 times I reckon lol.

haha, great answer. the original phone call sequence with his daughter under the bed. oh man, that is such a great scene.

This film was amazing, Liam Neeson is as hard as nails!

He kicked butt better than Jason Statham and Bruce Willis combined!! The story is pretty straight forward, his daughter gets kidnapped and he has to go and save her. Yeah, pretty easy to understand. But the action within it, is epic, brutal and badass!!

This movie is definitely one of the best action-thrillers out there and I doubt it can be beaten by some of the greatest directors of all time!!

Taken is one of those films that you'll love to watch, it is amazing.

Great action movie, I will give an 8 hehehe, Taken 1 and 3 were the best. in the last movie they did not know what to invent.

I absolutely love these kind of film. Taken is awesome when it comes to how fast the story moves and leaves the viewer thinking what next. The scenes are very good shot, the film is absorbing and acting simply superb, to the point and no nonsense. Liam Neeson does justice to his role as a retired CIA agent trying to get his daughter back. By the time the film finished. Really outstanding film.

Excellent action movie

Yes, its only an action movie; Yes, the script has more holes than the victims of the main character! Yes, Neeson's rampage in Paris is very implausible; Yes, its not Oscar material... no great acting.

Still... its a very good movie. I gave it a solid 8. I left the movie feel very satisfied... its that kind of movie that is fun and thrilling and brainless at the same time. Doesn't get tiresome. When its outrageous its funny... when the action gets going you feel right in it all.

When you finish seeing the movie you do wonder why Bond and Bourne aren't as macho or mean. Niam's character Bryan("B" letter too) beats up baddies way better and he looks more scary and real somehow than those other pansy agents.

Great movie :)

Ive seen this movue, was ok.