An absolutely brilliant film! A really enjoyable film, one of my favourites! Made me see Oskar Schindler in a different light! For those that enjoyed this: Taken 2 is a good sequel, but not as good as this one (as many sequels aren't). Neeson has also released other action films and more of him being a BadA
Liam Neeson is obviously the main star in this film, and this has been the stepping stone for him to being cast in other action films. His performance in Batman Begins in 2005 was good, and I was disappointed that it didn't shoot off his action-film career, but I am glad this has! Can't wait to see his film coming out in February (Non-stop) nor see what humor role he has in Anchorman 2 (has anyone else seen that Ricky Gervais video??)
Couldn't ask for a more action-packed-thrill-ride-more-bada film. One of the best out there!