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RE: Stairway to Heavenly Sunset View ... (enhanced lighting, for your viewing pleasure and your safety) ChiangMai, Thailand – GoldenHour Photography

As darkness descends over the viewing platform, these dim yet clear lights provide a subtle but effective illumination. While the lights allow for a safer climb and descent of the steps, in no way do they diminish the magnificence of the goldenhour view.

I look forward to the day I could write such skillful sentences as the one above. Your creativity is matchless. I still remember the phrase, "Burning curtains in evening sky


Thanks for the inherent compliment.

On a related note, I (rarely) look back to the days when I was not yet capable of writing such sentences. I knew that I wanted to write well, and I knew that somehow I could write well.

Given the above, I'd say that another essential part of learning to write well is ... set your standards high, and when you write, do whatever is necessary to ensure that your writing is clear and readable. If it's not clear and readable, then rewrite it ... or choose different words ... or abandon any words or phrases that are not good enough. Or set it aside for a day or 2, go for a walk or do some errands. While your mind is concerned with other tasks, you will find that new words, new ideas, new phrases come in to your mind ... from the beyond!

Then, rewrite it and edit again. Eventually, you'll find that your writing has improved.

And remember, the first draft is never good enough. Neither is the second or third draft. So, keep rewriting, keep editing, and keep improving your work.

Wow. Thanks sir for the great lessons delivered here. I am privileged to have access to these priceless lessons. I will adopt these new strategies and hope that they improve my writing skills.