Golos.io went full KGB! Goldvoice Stock is Rising.

in #golos6 years ago (edited)

Today we talk about the fees imposed by developers on the Golos.io social media platform. 10% is now being taken from content creators on original post works and comments! I'll give you the "Hack" around paying these non democratic fees. If you want to change the world, change Crypto, you must be willing to be more flexible with willing investors of cold hard cash!

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Thanks for the info man!... Ive been using golos for a while and wasnt aware of this... Also this new interface lools nice as the golos one was really confusing and hard to use...

I'm glad to hear an update about Golos.io // it stinks to hear they've made this change. // Good work getting a hack!!

If you say it's worth it I'll get on golos too but otherwise it seems i've only heard sketchy / harsh reviews on he site. Anyway, thanks for spreading the knowledge! Cheers!

Holla atcha boy if you down this way cuz.

Such an interesting post once again.I like your talking style.Thank you sir.

Hello mr broncnutz, good to see you again.Everytime I wait for your valuable posts.Thank you sir.

Dude, I hope to still see your videos next week. Going after the russians on video could be a sketch decision. :)

That whole site is Russian, will our cheddar be safe on there or Putin will just decide to confiscate it at any time once he realize the ruble is the main sh**coin? 😂

@broncnutz Its Animal Farm all over again. We become the system we aim to replace and even worse. What a shame, even IRS, CRA have a tiered system for taxing. As bad as governments have been, I fear individuals even more. Those individuals who put themselves in charge and enforce their ideas are even worse than dictators

I thought golos was a copy of steemit - so not sure why the developers need to collect a fee as the code has already been done for them.

Is golo like steemit platform ?

Yes, very similar.

At the moment, the Golos passes through the same "childhood illnesses" that the Steemit once had. As on the Golos, there some Steemit services initially decided that they did not have enough money and started charging for services that were previously free of charge and which people are already accustomed to. I think everyone remembers as it all ended up - they decay, and then completely disappeared, because there were alternative free services. Something like this is happening on Golos.
Then the largest investors could not agree on how to divide the pool of payments and they began the "flag wars", which almost led to the collapse of the entire resource. Such an attack on the Golos, too, was and we have experienced it.
Then the whales realized that against the same whales, it's pointless to fight, because it will lead to mutual destruction, and they decided to start cutting smaller hamsters by the predatory system of auction bid-bots (this attack on the Golos is just beginning, and I very much hope that she will die in rudiment, never will born, because I think buying a vote is not a gambling bet in the casino, but an investment and a mutually beneficial agreement that should bring an equal profit to both parties involved). At the Steemit, this led to the fact that small users with empty pockets and bright heads, just crack these bid bots and transfer all money from them to their accounts on the principle of "robbing loot." All this, I once wrote to my blog on Steemit https://steemit.com/steem/@elizzium2018/cry-of-the-soul-quality-content-or-how-we-are-turned-into-slaves
it's very unpleasant for me that the bruises and abrasions that Steemit received in the process of becoming, did not give any useful lesson for Golos.
The old adage says that everyone learns from mistakes, but smart people learn from other people's mistakes, and fools - learn from own mistakes.

yes great video @broncnutz !! I will hold off till this place is well and truly on its feet, then as you so rightly say perhaps employ a curation bot going to help with their need of curation flow on a 24hr basis !! ) I think this is a great way of bringing the steemit concept to the world as a whole and that the English version based in Steem backed dollars, all roads lead to Steemit.com !! good work !!)

Awesome, it seem golos very interesting website,..I think this is a great way of bringing the steemit concept to the world as a whole and that the English version based in Steem backed dollars..Golos I just recently visited and most of the things that people have talked about needing done here at steemit.com have already been created at Golos. Odd how much cleaner the feel is even though it is almost an exact replica.

its amazing to show..
thank's for sharing..the concept..

love it

resteem done

I agree I don't really think this is a great thing for Steem at the moment. Russia seems to be very involved with crypto however so they might not have to hard of a time of it being adopted... what really caught my eye was that dope "steem follow"I think this is a great way of bringing the steemit concept to the world as a whole and that the English version based in Steem backed dollars

Amazing Post thanks for sharing :)

Hey sir @broncnutz your information is attractive but your Reaction is also very very impressive. I like your video.

Your investment today will secure your tomorrow, thanks @broncnutz for sharing!

@broncnutz Insightful video. And I agree I don't really think this is a great thing for Steem at the moment. Russia seems to be very involved with crypto however so they might not have to hard of a time of it being adopted... what really caught my eye was that dope "steem follow" button how did you do that!? lol anywhere I'm following you now please follow back id really really appreciate it!

Actually Golos will not be on a sidechain of Steem....it will be on a totally different blockchain. Also if it's good or bad it doesn't really matter, the technology is open source and anyone could try a clone of Steem. They decided to make a clone so they will have to asume the risks of their project.

Hmmmm so much about this golos.io. I still have issues with the translation though. Been unable to login since then.

I had a dream about you today @oredebby lol. Get ready for greater things to come your way. I’m like a prophet this morning

Jesus!!! Yaaayyy... Tell me about it. Hmmmm well I guess so, because tomorrow is my birthday. 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
Oya you must tell me about the dream oo

Definitely something big is coming... just expect a spectacular thing with your birthday or there after

Hmmmmmm Amen ooo... I claim it! Thanks dear

Hai.. @broncnutz, its very cool to show. Like this. Thanks for sharing

Russian Golos... glad i'm not in it... too many for me to handle.. the language is a tough one for me.

ah.. use a third party app... but whats stopping the 3rd party app (Gold voice) from also suddenly tax the people...

Anyways.. good information to know.

Nice BTC cap ! I have finally accumulated 495 Smartcash.. 500 to go for rewards

Good video share.so thanks for share next post

Good video share.so Thanks for sharing

What the hell!
Why they are charging 10% ?
This is bulish.
I will never go to golos!
#joinsteemit #leavefacebook

Wow , 10% without consultation that is almost theft...
But for every problem there is a workaround as I see :) The problem is they don't see the long term effect of that (and short term b.t.w.) people aren't going to take that and leave... And then it's Bye Bye ......

10%? Why would they do that? Let me try the goldvoice

If you want to change the world, change Crypto, you must be willing to be more flexible with willing investors of cold hard cash!

I couldnt agree better

Awesome, it seem golos very interesting website, you're right, let's change the world :-)
Great info

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

very importent post

They cannot take 10 % of your pie after getting you used to have the whole damn piece.

Today you choose a very good content,
How to make original content, comment. Thank you.

It is fully Russia! It does not have a language change option either!

Yeah dude I'm going to hold all my stocks. HOdl is the way man. I completely agree with you. Nice video mate.
Thanks for the information. Cheers

1st one is the best one!!
its too good!!

ok thanks for the advice and information mr @broncnut, a useful post for us, congratulations and success @brincnutz

a very good and correct opinion, I agree with your opinion @broncnutz, hopefully what you talk about becomes reality. thanks for the information @broncnutz

If you want to change the world, change Crypto, you must be willing to be more flexible with willing investors of cold hard cash!

You know how if I won’t agree to anything, I must agree to this. Crypto is the future is anyone sees it from my perspective. Dollar drastically losing the war and believe me, crypto is simply the future no doubts about that

Golos: we take 10% comrade... Broncnutz: whaaaat?

Glad your peeps over there helped you with a work around! Or bring the 25K over to your Steem stake!

Whaaat? 10% is a lot! And it's not what decentralization is here for. They cannot do it, well they can, but it's not good for the future...

Thanks for helping people around this scam. I don't know how greed get to people when they smell a little money... Arrrgh...

I hope that Crypto mindset will start to take over the world!!!

Your post is always different i follow your blog everytime , your post is so helpful . I always inspire of your post on my steem work . Thank you for sharing @broncnutz

Follow my blog @powerupme

Great video. Golos has dropped the ball so many times it is unreal. I would put my content up there once and awhile but it has the old reward curve so my vote isn't really worth anything right now.
I will check out GoldVoice

Amazing updates friend does golos better than steemit.

Have a good video share and this is informative post so thanks for and cry,,on

Thanks for this great information

forget everything but i love the bitcoin hat so daaamnn.....daamnnn man 10% on everypost is really a lot....

you are absolutely right

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