Why does the government hate poor people?

in #government7 years ago

Permits, fines, fees, rules, regulations, and more for the homeless population!

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If we cut our Defense Budget to just 5% that is $35 billion, we could build houses to those homeless people, having $700 billion defense budget is more than enough, but yet they choose helping foreign countries to wage war against their neighbors and refuse to help their own problem domestically. That's why American people are compose mostly of a meddle class and it will shrink to poor class just a matter of time if they choose to continue waging war outside the country.

We've got to be careful about that defense budget. The US military is the de facto military for many of our allies. Globalism made it that way. If we can pull back globalist military policy so other countries can be responsible for their own security, I'd be happy to see a reduction in the defense budget -- by large percentage! And take care of things at home. But we can't just leave allies defenseless, either.

If all the funds spent to bring down Ghadhaffi in Libya and waging war in Syria is spent on the American people for better living. More jobs and homes will be built to take people off the street. Reason we need men like @Adamskokesh to make America Great again

if we had 350 billion to play with (say we cut the defense budget in half) we could fund tuition free college forever, we could probably solve our housing crisis, fund universal healthcare, and probably fix our entire education system.


Wow! That's really sad that he needs a permit.

"Permits, fines, fees, rules, regulations, and more for the homeless population!" Name one federal law that applies to the homeless? Any restrictions on the homeless are either city or county based, generally speaking. The fed doesn't deal with these kinds of issues, nor should they. I thought you were a freedom guy do you want the fed micro managing cities now?

One thing I wonder, When seeking office. Why don't they say homeless people are not entitle to vote. They take their campaign to the homeless and make fake promises they can't keep. Once they assume office, they slam the poor with:

Permits, fines, fees, rules, regulations, and more for the homeless population!

And yet the defense budget of $700 billion can build a settlement which can cater for the poor. Imagine all the defense being diverted in helping the homeless, things would have been better.


Exactly! That is the truth. That's also proof that paper doesn't stop government and keep them at bay.

Buen post , muy interesante la noticia, saludos.

My 28 year old nephew refused to get a job because he made so much money. I helped a widow of a vet the other day, but I always see the same people pan-handling. I often ask them why they are in need and many times it is just a choice they made. I now have rules about giving away my hard earned money. If I can I ask what is going on before I give. Secondly if they smoke they don't need my money, if they can afford $8 a pack cigs they are doing better than I am.

Most of them roll their own using cheap bagged tobacco.

Most do, but it still isn't cheap like it used to be.

because the governments are fucking racists.
great post sir @adamkokesh

i don't understand why government hate poor people!
if there were just rich people who will want to obey them and respect them!
Who were served them!?
All people have rights to lead their own life with respect!?
We want #Freedom from thinking abuse.

I can't imagine people being pulled out of their homes for "gentrification" purposes, @adamkokesh. They should have a housing solution for that at least, especially for those people who can only afford a certain rent range. If a place becomes better, all people that belong to it should be as well regardless of status, right?

And regarding your question headline, I understand why you use the word "hate", because it seems like the government doesn't care about the poor. Why, because they think the poor have nothing to offer? Or maybe because they can't make a lot from the poor? I guess both.

And it's sad that government officials and politicians always say that they are for the people and by the people, but it seems like they say it because it sounds "heartfelt", and not really do it.

So...I am curious: When politicians have finally earned their place in the government, do they and their principles change? Do they forget what they promised to the people? Or are they carried away by the power that comes with it? Because if this is the case...the government loses its essence.

I think some of them go into it with good intentions but the system is to corrupt to fight so they just end up going with the flow and losing sight of what their purpose was for getting involved.

I see what you mean @sunlit7, because sometimes, if they pursue goodness, fairness and justice, they get persecuted by the evil ones in power, or worst, killed. That's why if they can't take it anymore, they quit. Sad but true. 😥

Why does the government hate poor people?
That's a simple answer, really:
Because they don't make money off of them.

Actually that is the reverse, they do make money off them and the only way to do that to a maximized profit level is to keep people repressed enough that they have to accept a low wage just to survive. One reason we see so many illegals in this country, if Americans aren't willing to accept low wage jobs then they will just import ones who will.

Dikarenakan kering nya hati dari rasa kebersamaan dan cinta sesama sebagai makhluk Tuhan di muka bumi

This question reminds me of Fidel Castro firmly holding the principle of communism and convinced that the communist system is the best in the world that can eliminate the gap between rich and poor. should be more Fidel Castro who was born into this world for the poor

Ah Government...
I think that you should not talk about Government as some independent entity globally equal and similar in organization to each-other.
Governments are services of the corporations and businesses. They operate through the people on the position of the power specially Governments.
If you put things into the right perspective everything makes more sense. Terms like Government are very abstract and in that sense they create mental buffer around the understanding. People are falling into the mental trap of simplification of subjective observable reality

I don't think they hate us , actually they need the poor people sad to say it creates all kind of different jobs , the poor and the working class are the people who do there dirty work and they are necessary to show the rich that they are rich how else are they going to see that they are really rich lol :)

here political parties recieve huge money from rich people for election compaigns
and after they gain power they make policies which which make these rich people more rich
poor people have nothing to offer
they are only required while voting

Governments are run by politician and they join politics to earn money and poor people cannot give money to these politician and hence they hate them

because the rulers and the rich are afraid of their wealth being asked by the poor. Most people, when they are in power, have great powers they will be arrogant.

I hope you are not like that and become a populist president @adamkokesh

I think you hit on a interesting subject with this gentrification. The reason they don't want to build low income housing outside the cities is because they still need cheap labor to clean and maintain the buildings, living outside the city with no transportation would create a shortage of low wage workers. Gentrification in my own personal opinion is a glorified excused for a new generation of millennial's to recreate the segregation that once existed and was broken up under their parents. They just found a new way to work it by out pricing minorities whereas before it was done before by redlining minorities.

I enjoyed that old fellows take on things, despite all the obstacles he seems to take pride that he can overcome being homeless without being a panhandler. Watching you in that video though I had to ask myself didn't you have to file paperwork to become a glorified panhandler for president? lol.

Most conservatives see government action as ineffective. It isn’t like welfare has relieved poverty or college assistance has made education affordable. We see Economic freedom as the best method of giving people the opportunity to improve their lives.

Being poor myself in a first world country, everyone hates you - not just the government. People cross the street because they don't want to interact with you. Family members shun and ignore you, because they are worried that you may ask them for money. People question your mental capacity and sanity. People that are better off, use you as a springboard to boost their own ego's rather than trying to help you. Lets be real, everyone who isn't homeless at one point or another has engaged in downward social comparisons.

Friends disappear - no one wants to associate with a homeless person. People refuse to give you work, they just want you gone.

Poor people are always being deprived. It is a humiliation of humanity.

I had no idea that he was required to have a permit, Wow... This is eye opening... thanks for this :o)

Why does the Libertarian party think abolishing a welfare state will help poor people ?

Because it likely will. You have thousands of able-bodied, able-minded poor people who are using the government welfare system as a job. Do you honestly thing private organizations that assist the poor are more poorly run than than government?

The Libertarians want the abolision of any form of welfare state, instead relying on 'voluntary' help..lol The Libertarians are attempting to abolish poor by abolishing 'the poor', most of whom are black and or immigrants. Sounds more like they wish to create nothing more than a 'survival of the fittest'. I find zero humanity or global thinking on this obnoxious insular and almost xenophobic organisation.
A selfish organisation led by a guy upvoting himself to the tune of over $100usd per post...

That's ridiculous. Government can't say it's trying to help poor and homeless people when it makes it hard to work. Permits for voluntary activities is tyranny. The poor would be better without government.

As Prime Minister of Great Britain, I will be introducing new legislation to have homeless people's rumps tattooed with numbers, so we can keep track of them, just like farmers do with Sheep.