Hey JessCitizens
There's nothing like getting something for free, people love free stuff and would do just about anything to get a freebie. Our entire political system is based on who can provide us with the most "free stuff", and as long as the transaction isn't an immediate payment, we don't mind it one bit.
Everything free is usually paid for twice or three times more and brings with it a host of inefficiencies. We find ourselves in a world where everyone aspires for wealth without work. The life where we can have everything and work for nothing, as contradictory as it seems, the disconnect between money and value has allowed some to live this way and glamourise it to the rest of the world that support the economy.
A free lunch is only possible at someone else's expense; a free lunch either comes from robbing one to pay for another or robbing from everyone to pay for a select few.
Government support
Governments frame their support for the poor and underemployed as a way to keep society from defending into chaos. Taking some of our production and redistributing it to those at the ends of the social class ladder. On the surface, it sounds fantastic, but when you dig into it, you see the grotesque reality of it all.
Government support is anything but support for the poor; it's actively about enriching a select few through the premise of helping and then creating more customers to drive your need to get bigger.
The free money they send people each month allows many to live without the motivation to work. This, in turn, attracts more people to this and thus creates more unproductive people.
The more unproductive people, the more they rely on the government, the more the government needs to expand, so as you see it pays for governments to keep people from becoming self-sufficient.
Government jobs
I'm not sure how it works in other countries, but here in South Africa, government jobs are always the most overpriced cushy jobs people coast in. You're essentially paid to dig up a hole in the morning and fill it up in the evening.
We all know government jobs are a bunch of rubbish. Still, the premise is they work, spend their salary into the economy and create productive employment, but this is a highly ineffective way of distributing the income.
Government jobs rob the country from allowing these people to compete, to push themselves, to create jobs, businesses, and be more productive and in turn, improving the overall economy. Government jobs take away peoples need to compete as they can coast on tax revenue.
Government programs
Government programs are often a cesspool of theft and corruption; these programs are essentially kingmakers and run through nepotism and bribery. The businesses that get these tenders can corner the market without any strategic advantage or providing value, the only thing they have is access to politicians who assign capital.
This creates a widespread moral hazard that robs others of opportunity, who would have been more productive and deserving of the funds from the market, NOT the government. Government programs are effectively anti-competitive and kill competition from others, creating a barrier to entry and keeping people poor and devoid of opportunities.
Have your say
What do you good people of HIVE think? Governments today do far more harm than good, and even if they did more good than harm, I'd still advocate for them to step back. The job of the government is to facilitate and effectively get smaller over time to a point where its no longer needed.
Now it's a crutch that continues to disable society from actually functioning correctly.
So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, comment "I am a Jessie."
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A good example is subsidizing electricity or transportation and take it back from you twice as much or more from taxation or increase the price of gas.
government job is a joke but sadly it is no longer funny.
Posted Using LeoFinance
Exactly people don’t see the hidden cost they only see the “good”! Governments don’t have money they only abuse yours! I think South Africa is probably one of the worst places when it comes to wanting free stuff from the government!
It is MAHALA we have a special name for free stuff in South Africa and it is like a right to MAHALA
LOL Aint that the truth! Fees must fall or anything must fall just means taxes must rise! Why don’t they just say steak more from us, that would be a better slogan
DSTV must fall 😀 I will start with that one because I want it for free! 🤣
LOL I’d rather start with eskom and telkom they robbing us blind at least DSTV I can cancel at any time
Oh lol that's true @mpaul was complaining to me last night about he is getting half units on electricity purchases lately. I asked him if he is only realizing it now...
Eskom/City Power must fall!
tokens.Certain cases warrant payment from taxes such as aged or disabled.
I do not agree with giving youth money to make babies, which then become child grants for the next 16-18 years.
Whole system is in disarray with corruption, nepotism and fools running the show!
Sure we could make certain funds available for that but not through taxes! That can either be done through bonds or fund raising but NOT taking money by force regardless of the cause it’s a slippery slope as you can see!
I think that if you put more disposable income in people’s pockets they willing to give to good causes and support more charities than we already do
To say that we have to tax for a good cause is saying we don’t believe in our humanity and that speaks to a bigger issue! I say trust the people to do the right thing
Historically one cannot trust governments to make the right decisions, over many years they removed working tram, train modes of cheaper convenient transport.
Giving money never works no matter where in the world.., it creates a segment of society quite happy to live off the sweat of those who are prepared to put in a days work.
Charity starts at home then works it's way out further afield, once people in direct neighbourhood are fed and housed projects move to assist more. Idea is help a man to build a home and plant a field of food, he in turn helps the next, ripple effect to become self sustaining, not handouts, hard work!
Paid taxes all my life and still paying now, currently pension earnings I find taxes are higher than ever before which is disgusting!
I fully agree with these sentiments, act local build thriving local economies that are agile and sustainable and then save excess purchasing power in a method that doesn't get debased.
I find the pension system to be disgusting, its a slap in the face to everyone who busted their arses for years to support public programs with their taxes to only be handed a pittance for subsistence living, it's horrible.
Fortunately I never worked in/for government, however their hands are far reaching, knowing how to dive deep into your pockets at every turn!
Hopefully pension funds of those who have worked for the government, that government never get permission to "use" pension funds to pull them out of the shit hole they have created.
Well I wouldn't put it post them to force pensions to buy government bonds in a bail in, I wouldn't be surprised if they let the banks bail in with our deposits. Nothing is yours any more! Only hope I have at this point is BTC, if that lets me down I don't know where to hide my savings lol
A few eggs in different baskets (everything except government) in the foreseeable future. Bitcoin is going through doldrums of it's own at the moment, still holding position which is a good indicator considering the times we going through.
It all cost us in the end.
Indeed all government spending is taxation which is theft so anyone asking for free stuff is asking them to steal from all of us, it’s so short sighted
it's all about culture and integrity, and on either extreme, socialism can lead to idleness and capitalist greed can rob a country blind as well ... there is no policy that can fix things, it only can be a cultural change ... any system has to be redistributive and cycle wealth; how to do that is the challenge
Indeed, we humans tend to take anything to its furthest to see how it can break, which is why I think we shouldn't even have these centralised abilities in any case, capitalist or socialist. I feel anything done now will be another overcorrection and as we swing back and forth
yes, that's what my son thinks, and it's probably true, but we have to swing back towards justice... that's all human history is in a way, just trying to approach justice thru amazingly long series of trial and error to better empower people with liberty
I believe all governments should provide food and shelter for all its citizens.
What's the point of them if they don't?
Here in the US lots and lots of money gets given to corporations, it would be nice if they were given directly to the people instead.
Posted Using LeoFinance
If that's what you believe by all means, then you should have the right to chose a government that does that, same as I would like to right to live in a place where they provide very little if anything.
The point for me is for them to do the bidding of the people on a local level, I'm all for small local government supported by selling bonds having for-profit services NOT having the ability to print money at will.
Well, they are going to give the people the money now, the thing is if you give people money all it does is bid up prices as you have more money chasing fewer goods making prices even higher, hurting the poor and the ones owning the supermarkets or whatever they buy become disproportionately wealthy.
Giving people money isn't the same as teaching people how to use money, be responsible and save, well at least that's how I see it
The government should do the bidding of the people, I agree with that as well.
The government should teach people how to spend, budget, and save, I agree with that as well.
I don't know how it goes down in the US, but here its better to keep the government out of EVERYTHING. Asking the government to do something here, is asking a 6 year old to do dental surgery on you and still paying to proper price for it
I believe all governments should provide food and shelter for all its citizens.
To deliver that, they must steal off productive people (tax). They have no money of their own, only stolen money.
There is no such thing as free.
Or they can share the natural resources.
A redistribution of the wealth that already exists, no more corporate bail outs, no more handouts to other country's, no more spending money on keeping soldiers abroad, etc.
If all that money was redistributed to the people, then we would be a lot closer to Universal Healthcare, food and shelter for all.
I am of course not asking that everybody has steaks delivered to their door, but a ration of fruits, vegetables, and grains (especially if grown on government ran organic farms) is not too much to ask for.
A redistribution of the wealth that already exists, no more corporate bail outs, no more handouts to other country's, no more spending money on keeping soldiers abroad, etc.
cRapitalism (communsim with a different name).
It is Evil.
Universal healthcare/ food is communism.
Nothing is for free, and the price you pay for 'free stuff', it totalitarian governments.
There is not one instance in the natural world where an organism gets things for free, off an authority (one that is not related/part of a small social group).
We are natural organism's, and obey natural laws- so why are we entitled to anything free from an authority that has no intimate relationship with us?
It anti-nature.
Top down authority, and being looked after, is slavery.
Free markets, work, trade, exchange, and freedom, are the natural rhythms we need to adhere to.
They are the natural systems of life itself among the more higher developed species.
It is natural to have land to steward over.
It is natural to be able to survive without money.
It is natural to have land to steward over.
Property rights, you mean?
Yes, very natural.
Ask any lion pride withit's territory, or even an ants nest if oyu invade it, (or even a dog with a bone).
Animals have property rights.
It is natural to be able to survive without money.
Money is a token to represent a value, nothing more.(that's if we use sound money again - not this current farce that we find ourselves in)