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RE: Money For Nothing - A Free Lunch Is The Most Expensive Lunch

in #government5 years ago

If that's what you believe by all means, then you should have the right to chose a government that does that, same as I would like to right to live in a place where they provide very little if anything.

The point for me is for them to do the bidding of the people on a local level, I'm all for small local government supported by selling bonds having for-profit services NOT having the ability to print money at will.

Well, they are going to give the people the money now, the thing is if you give people money all it does is bid up prices as you have more money chasing fewer goods making prices even higher, hurting the poor and the ones owning the supermarkets or whatever they buy become disproportionately wealthy.

Giving people money isn't the same as teaching people how to use money, be responsible and save, well at least that's how I see it


The government should do the bidding of the people, I agree with that as well.

The government should teach people how to spend, budget, and save, I agree with that as well.

I don't know how it goes down in the US, but here its better to keep the government out of EVERYTHING. Asking the government to do something here, is asking a 6 year old to do dental surgery on you and still paying to proper price for it