Introducing Solar Freakin' Roadways!

in #green8 years ago

A Sustainable Step In Solar Technology. This innovative dream is now becoming a reality.

Sustainable Future Series

When Solar Roadways were first introduced through a crowd funding campaign a couple years ago there was a lot excitement with the potential this tech offered the world. It would produce more than enough electricity to supply more than an entire city with power, clean and divert dirty runoff water, provide safety warnings for upcoming traffic and monitor traffic flow just to point out a few.

Soon after it was quickly believed to be a pipe dream, an improbability, something that would not actually work as it claimed. The claims built up online with compelling arguments. That was years ago and at the time those arguments had merit but today the dream of solar roadways is being realized. Roads being built at the state level that will revolutionize the world we travel and live in.

To those who disbelieved here is the proof. Missouri has agreed to test them out at huge level. What a great initiative from Missouri to lead the path by implementing solar roadways to prove to the world that it is possible, profitable and green.

“We expect them to be in place, I’m hoping, by the end of this year, maybe before snow flies,” initiative leader Tom Blair recently told the Kansas City Star.

Check this out. Roads are scattered across America, enough paved roads that if they were all solar panels there would be a surplus supply of electricity. Yes, I said a surplus of renewable electricity. That should mean lower rates for everyone. In the least it will be profitable which encourages investment. That also means less smog and coal and nuclear power.

These solar roadways don’s stop at making energy. These guys are high tech. Imagine a sci-fi flick from the future in outer space, 5th Element comes to mind. These roads light up like Las Vegas when programmed. The LED covered roads are programmable to do any pattern or design. They have pressure sensors so they can detect traffic conditions then notify drivers of animals on the road or accidents up ahead. They reroute traffic to avoid hold ups; getting vehicles from A to B quickest also reduces smog. They can change the street lanes and lines to suit any occasion including parades, special events and closures.

"These solar roadways can withstand a 250,000-pound load. All of the panels are connected so when one panel malfunctions it can be easily detected and repaired."

The same tech can be used on sports courts to play any game you like; tennis becomes basketball with tap of a button.

Hang on the amazement doesn’t stop there. Included in this engineering feat is the ability to control the water ways and sewage pipes that flow alongside the roads. When it rains and all the dirty water runs off into the ditch the solar roadways direct it to filtration facilities automatically. OR get this, clean the water on site using a built in system.

I did mention safety. It melts ice and snow. That’s a big deal for our wildlife and fish. In Toronto Canada in the spring time the rivers salinity is worse than the ocean killing off much of the life that barely survived the winter. Such as fish, frogs and smaller animals that drink from the water near roads. Good news because we can stop using salt and chemicals. We wouldn’t need big trucks pumping out smog plowing the streets either. You could ride your bicycle safely all year because the roads would be ice free, less smog again.

Heck, if you got the money you set up a pretty cool push of the button changeable driveway or back patio. Christmas and theme parties would be taken to a whole new level.

Solar Freaking Roadways. Wow, they’re just so cool. I can imagine them being used for so many other things.

Solar Freakin' Bike Paths Construction.

(click image for credit)

Truly a step towards a sustainable future.

Check out this video to see them in action. Very Cool.

See their homepage here

On a side note I am going to introduce the "sustainable" and "green" tags. Anything you post about making the world a greener place and saving the environment please use these tags. They will catch on the more we use them.

I hope you found this article interesting and unique..
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Other posts from my Sustainable Future Series.

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This looks really cool! :)

Not this again.
What does it take to make it go away?
It's like a vampire, it keeps coming back to life even though it's been debunked time after time.

if its debunked why are they building it in more than one state?

Check. all the debunking articles are from 2 years ago. None are up to date. The up to date articles i saw we're them being implemented.

I always do my homework before a post. It's now happening now.

A wikipedia article about the company Solar Roadways. It seems to pan out. The debunking articles are from 2014 as stated by solarguy.

If these guys actually solved any of the problems they say they have. Then every other solar panel is obsolete. Why aren't they just building solar panels for roofs?

The thing is the haven't. They have never answered any real questions. But, they have gotten many govern-cements and people to give them money.

One big problem with solar arrays is shadows. A shadow on part of a solar array can cause the whole solar array to stop outputting electricity (as the light part feeds back into the shadowed part). Modern arrays use diodes to limit this effect. But, each diode drops the voltage by 0.7 Volts. To many diodes, and you have no power. And so, how did they work this out to use on roads where there is lots of moving shadows?

Just one example. I can list 10.

Still a pretty cool concept though. The bike paths they built seem to doing a good job on smaller scale. I would like to see this invention come to life on a large scale.

The big issue I have with solar panels are that manufacturing them and harvesting the materials to make them is incredibly bad for the environment.

And its not cheap probably why gov's aren't doing it.

It's certainly a neat idea. I expect we will see it installed in a few places for testing first. I'd like to see all new roofs being made of solar panels. It ought to be possible and it would pay back fairly quickly. We need to be making the most of all that free energy

it's very interesting to see what things will be like when it;s used more

That would be awesome! Can you imagine using them to power the traffic lights and other electrical uses in the surrounding areas? The applications seem almost endless.

My mind is blown. I never knew technology like that was even being thought about. Wow.

those videos are pretty old. some are 2 years old.

Last one was posted Oct 11, 2016.

indeed that one is.