We have users reporting being on a fork. It seems it happened about 2 hours ago :-(
- they had correct hash for 976381: 430643ecd7bb4022fcbdbcb6c9b5ccf829ebf5c8f7eb068edce9b31d9744ee67
- but not this correct hash for 976382: 8bd922c14ba1a52314aed7e7eae4ff414b8ad2c7af56b93f7137d5d414194a6c
What will hopefully help you is to restart the client then.
See in general about forks here:
- Prelude (e.g. "Forks happen all the time, you could say with every new block. With every cryptocoin that is out there, and the clients notice this soon and bring you back on track.")
- So, how do you actually know that something is "wrong" in your Gridcoin client?
So, what to do when you notice you are on a fork?
- check your block hash with fediverse on IRC (use the !blocks and !verify commands): if your current block's hash (e.g. for #976511) is wrong, please also check 10 blocks past (e.g. #976501). If 976501 and upper blocks are fine, likely your client will "self-heal" and you can enjoy your cup of coffee
- If you notice though, that the hashes are wrong for a longer series: please restart your client (your client will try to fix your situation at start)
- If this still does NOT help: ask first in IRC what to do (the most likely answer will be to use the !snapshot or !bootstrap).
current hash for "getblockhash 976506'" (type this in your debug console):
- e8a47c60af21b758696b4d124c8ce2725332f39ba2c25059d8ac8bda4f4e3313
and the net weight is at around 60-70 million at the moment
@Erkan I guess that you are aiming to inform the public of what is happening with the network, but all I am seeing is negativity. You cling to every tiny imperfection and blow it up to something massive. As you and I both know, the network is more than capable of dealing with a fork such as this without some kind of massive intervention.
There is no "situation" for this fork. The wallets rectify themselves, and at the end there are only about 3-4 million forked coins before the chain dies out and all the users wallets are returning back on the main chain again.
There never was a situation and most likely hasn't been before either.
Gridcoinstats back on main chain
As expected the page has now changed chain and is back on the main chain again. All without any intervention on my part. The wallet is well capable of joining the correct chain again after some time.
Why do you feel the need to even report this. You KNOW this fixes itself without any intervention. You KNOW this happens occasionally, and can happen for any blockchain. What are you hoping to achieve?
All you seem to be managing to do is freak out newer members by seeding panic.
If newbies are getting stressed that easily they have weak hands and shouldn't be investing in a 100+ ranked coin on coinmarketcap. I love grc because of it's function though and if people believe in distributed research hashing they will keep doing it and supporting it. Forks happen, it's happened to bitcoin numerous times and will probably happen again. As long as the community works together like BTC did last time it will be corrected.
I have 2 nodes on the good fork
The nuad.de Node is still on the correct chain and not lagging in block height.
Why don't we have a wallet which solve this problem automatically?
We do. Erkan is spreading FUD, and has been actively doing so for a few weeks now.
Not only does the wallet automatically get back on the correct chain if a fork does happen, but https://www.gridcoinstats.eu does so as well. There is nothing to worry about.
Ok thank you for this information. With this post new members think they are forced to check there wallet manually.
No worries - and good question on your part to begin with. We should have a wallet that deals with this automatically (as we do) and the OP failed to make that clear.
please see:
Correct hash here :)
getblockhash 976506
who or what determines which chain is fork?
As with the superblock generation, the clients try to make themselves consensus...
see also last fork info 5 days ago