
Gridcoinstats back on main chain

As expected the page has now changed chain and is back on the main chain again. All without any intervention on my part. The wallet is well capable of joining the correct chain again after some time.

Why do you feel the need to even report this. You KNOW this fixes itself without any intervention. You KNOW this happens occasionally, and can happen for any blockchain. What are you hoping to achieve?

All you seem to be managing to do is freak out newer members by seeding panic.

If newbies are getting stressed that easily they have weak hands and shouldn't be investing in a 100+ ranked coin on coinmarketcap. I love grc because of it's function though and if people believe in distributed research hashing they will keep doing it and supporting it. Forks happen, it's happened to bitcoin numerous times and will probably happen again. As long as the community works together like BTC did last time it will be corrected.