The proposed joint marketing initiative poll has finished and the community has spoken with resounding support. As the critical voice on the subject, I want to make sure @vortac knows he has my full support moving forward. I am happy to help in any way I can.
I look forward to the development and implementation of the initiative!
I still think it is important that we begin to think about organizing foundation funds, creating transparent fund distributions structures and expectations, and setting long term goals including the creation of marketing, development, and business plans.
Only 2.7% of the Gridcoin network voted to support it, far less than the minimum voter participation for foundaiton polls. Usually closer to 20% yields network consensus on the matter - 2.7% is insufficient.
Creating new polls where the marketing initiative is broken down into separate proposals, or a longer poll duration for the same poll would help get sufficient voter participation. That and increased community outreach.
I'm just reading the poll and since there are no clearly defined and accessible parameters that say what makes a legitimate poll, that's all there is to go by. I might agree with your argument, but if there are requirements and processes, they need to be clearly defined and accessible so there can be no confusion.
Perhaps we need to make a proposal around acceptable poll parameters that is defined by:
If the proposal is put together well enough, it will attract enough vote weight that it would be a futile task to challenge its results. If this parameter poll is accepted, then poof! we have clearly defined parameters for future polls.
Next we would need the make the information regarding the parameters readily accessible and visible to anyone looking to make a poll.
What do you think?
That is because you are newer and shits all over the place... Maybe Gridcoin being decentralized but its info is not such a great idea. Having to look at slack , wiki , steemit , irc , and find the damn end of the inter webs just to find all possible relevant information does not help the project. It's there , that 20% vote weight min has been there and is there and there is a wiki page under the domain that says it.. I think C_M is a horrible childish leader but will back him on this one.. You can't just join and think all your ideas are going to pass.. Hell people might even steal them and take credit. I think you are trying to jump in and do to much with knowing to little and going off half cocked.
Sorry , does not take suggestion's or advise on site information or updates such as use its own forum / ircd / drop wiki and really TBH since its opensource and there is no official leader and honestly and are offical as each other and we are all equal and you do not have to agree or disagree with anyone or anything facts are facts. really is your friend with information because its all there if you take a moment before you tell everybody else what they need to do , makes you look dumb as hell when its all there and been done.
I don't understand why this rule exists. Would it not make more sense to require either a minimum duration, or a minimum participation? Even the rebase attracted only 24% participation, and that was probably the most significant and debated poll in ages.
24% > 20% thus it's at least hit the minimum given the severity of its proposals.
Thanks for your support @jringo, and to everybody who voted or commented on this Initiative.
This post is not only message to Vortac, but also announcement on how the poll ended. I think that these poll reports are important.
I voted Abstain on the Joint Marketing poll, but I definitely support transparent funding. I think that fund distribution should be flexible, yet conservative (as in conserving funds, not resisting change).
I would like to see more bounties however. They are imho excellent tool to motivate newcomers to do something.
Pretty sure you can just tell him rather than making a steemit post for everything about this. I think with all the steemit success you could fund 500 marketing initiatives due to all these upvotes being thrown around for those who supply a narrative about marketing. I don't see a point in not using steemit funds for such things while you lot are all saying we should be using steemit funds to fund Gridcoin development.
I don't see anything wrong with that, and as a matter of fact many projected are already founded that way. For example, all the projects I did and published here received at least enough, if not more - to cover the expenses of things such as domain registration. even replacing a failed RAID drive in December :)
What i believe @jringo want's to say, is that it would be good to have these streams of money more organized, therefore used more wisely ad well as controlled. But as far as for Steemit earning, this is one (GridCoins) of the rear communities where people actually support each other and I hope it will stay that way.
It also helps curating the gridcoin tag on steemit. Marketing on steemit is probably even better than any add on CMC.
I'd argue an ad on BOINC Stats might do as much good as marketing on Steemit. Steemit brings in people already interested in the cryptocurrency aspect, and BOINC Stats brings in people already interested in the science aspect.
I'll agree gridcoin stem should have one joint steemit account, with password shared with all credible members on Slack, so we can all upvote and use our steem power on that account as well as delegate some.
From that account, who will publish most important news, we can get steem dollars converted to USD in order to pay ads such as google and similar whatever community decides.
This will both help us boost gridcoin here whenever we need it, as that account would be much more powerful then our personal accounts.
Actually I just made a proposal that we discuss the idea:
It could be a first step towards aspects of organization we are discussing.
I didn't vote as there was such a 'crap storm' resulting from the initiative ..
Courtesy of @joshoeah
Targeting specific subreddits with ads might prove useful as well. Could put ads/banners directly on r/bitcoin for example
Indeed, subreddit adverts on /r/golem and other competitor distributed computing crypto subreddits is a great way to get their attention.
going around to other communities, particularly "competitors", with ads for gridcoin could prove to be a marketing disaster.
if we engage in honest and open conversation around what we're all seeking to do (distributed computing), on the other hand... this could be amazing.
id say we should present ourselves as partners and not adversaries. it will show to their community that we're not trying to "steal users" but rather build something together. people generally don't like being stolen.
in the words of josh, "marketing is complicated, yo"
subreddit outreach is a tricky business.
many communities will likely see this tactic as an attack on their community.
we have had threads in /r/cryptocurrency and /r/bitcoin deleted in the past.
there is a major project underway with other crypto reddit communities that will create synergy between us all (hopefully). it is operating based on information and mutual building and not so much on advertising.
just be careful = ) don't post anything on another subreddit that you wouldn't want them to post on ours.