Whitelist/Greylist - Work done by G_UK ..
Hope he'll be here to discuss ..
Courtesy of @joshoeah
Thanks for posting, can't guarentee that I will be there but would be good to have people read the proposal, have a look at the example spreadsheet (which includes the required project xml scraper) and discuss.
The proposal has already undergone several revisions after feedback. The main remaining gap in the proposal is how we validate an unlisted project can absorb a step change in load without positive communication with a project admin. After feedback I have minimised any need for positive action by a project admin and we shouldn't be reliant on the admins for our project listings.
The proposal ensures a project is stable before whitelisting and will greylist any project we destabilise by whitelisting, however there is no automated way I have found to work out whether a project can handle the load in advance.
Note: Sourcefinder would not have been whitelisted under this proposal as it was not fully stable before they were Whitelisted.
To implement the proposal would need the following: