  1. That can be a cover up for 2) not doing it and keeping the sent GRC?

We do understand your concern. However, from a game theory perspective, a scammer would stand to gain more if there was no 25 percentile barrier. You can follow the re-distribution as it takes place on the first snapshot date 26.01.2018 Friday 20.00 GMT.

And if it's in my interest to remove this project, why do I need someone to give me money to do it? It is great if people want to unite to push forward their interest, I just don't get the need for transaction part.

The aim is to reward altruistic behavior and incentivize voting. Not everyone has the same community consciousness. A little nudging goes a long way.

But then pay the money to everyone who votes (even if only the people under 25%). I just don't like the idea of paying people to vote for your opinion, no matter how many people you are.