But its also good to know you can go outside and cut some salad for yourself to whenever you need some. We are trying to grow as much as possible, lots of variety of both fruit and veggies. But gave up on potatoes as never got a good harvest lolYES! #lifegoals. We need to grow our own though as between the 5 chickens and 1 turtle we go through a min of 6 heads of lettuce a week!
But its also good to know you can go outside and cut some salad for yourself to whenever you need some. We are trying to grow as much as possible, lots of variety of both fruit and veggies. But gave up on potatoes as never got a good harvest lolYES! #lifegoals. We need to grow our own though as between the 5 chickens and 1 turtle we go through a min of 6 heads of lettuce a week!