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RE: Dear @stan, If You Want To Market Steem and BitShares, Follow What Elon Musk Does With Tesla: Here's An Idea For You

in #growth-ideas8 years ago (edited)

That little girl had a great idea! should inspire kids not to underestimate their own pattern recognition ender's game skills that could be fine tuned to look at successful methods from some companies and apply them to other companies which might be TOO BUSY to nitice whata they are missing!

kids can be good at looking for stuff that is missing, wve been training them for years withthose puzzle games, "which of thesethings is not like the other things"

Elon with Tesla took ALL of the same peopl who were Apple fans, who wanted a corporation to deliver the future to them, and he saw how apple was baically failing these fans, even if apple did the right thiing they werent innovating enough even if thats not fair to apple, we humans are hard to please! we want more! an apple didnt deliver with their planned and teased apple car but tesla DID! an tesla created stuff you could buy!

Elon in front of all those people on stage took up where steve jobs left off, and steve jobs and apple got greedy and rested on their laurels, they could have made an apple car and apple fans would have bought it! Appple fans wouldd have oight an apple home, an apple Boat even! if steven jobs told apple fans that the new plan was they were all gonna live on Apple Houseboats, and live off the sea, many of his fans would follow steve jobs out into the sea and spend everthing they had to get their hands on a apple "LifeBoat" yeah thats a good name for that hypothetical; fictional apple product

Anyway tesla really delievered that promise of one company that coul delivr the future to you! SPaceX and Tesla and everthing else elon musk does is just the most coolest shit ever to many people!

Because noone else had thee balls or the brains to pull it offf!

just the idea of a successful electric sports car being used to fund an average consumer electric car, and then being told that this car can be an INVESTMENt because it will be able to rive itself or rent itself out for uber drivers, and then drive itself home to you after someone else rents it out for uber to make you money......its insane...