So when someone first told me about steem I was like “wut???” Steam does not have its own cryptocurrency what are you talking about they are not a blogging platform.
The biggest issue here is Steam for a while was accepting BTC and then they pulled the plug on it. They where not happy with the high volatility cryptocurrency has. Part of the bigger issue they also had was the high transactions fees. Another issue is going be some confusion with branding. Steam and Steem. It’s quite easy to mix up and the way people pronounce one or another are very similar. I’m not sure how open they are having a direct link between them any sort of cryptocurrency even more so if consumers get confused.
Instead of the steam token I think it be more better geared towards a humblebundle token of sorts. Along with that business model of choosing who to reward when a purchase and how much to pay. They also do produce steam keys when you buy from that site. Along with certain things being allowed to be bought using cryptocurrency the last time I check.
While I’m not sure how open a company like humblebundle would be you could look further into them for creating a similar business model expect a heavy empathies on a more active developer side.
I have no clue how they even got steam to allow them to get steam keys for handling the distribution portion of the game. Somewhere I’m sure a % paid out in fiat currency I would hope would resolve any issues.